9. LA here i come.

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Sorry for the long wait(:

This is just a filler chapter so they can be in LA already!

But please do enjoy :D


Harry's Pov:

I got ready fast tonight so I could talk to Natalie. There's something about her that's different from all the other girls.

I start making my way towards the backstage area but stop. Of course, Niall already beat me over there and it looked like they were having a pretty heated conversation. I duck behind there wall so I can try to listen in on there conversation.

All the sudden Niall leant in and kissed her. My heart just broke into a thousand pieces. I wanted to be the one kissing her.

I thought I might of actually had a chance with her.

That's why I don't 'fall' for girls. I just 'hook up'.

I guess I have to be happy for Niall, he hasn't found a love for a while, but if I think about I haven't been in love for a long time either.

I don't want Niall to know I saw them kissing I don't need drama at the moment.

We have this last concert tonight then were on vacation and I can just party whenever I want.

I'm done with love...

I felt a light pat on my shoulder indicating there was someone behind me.

It was Louis.

"Spying on them mate" Louis asked looking at me.

"Uh no..... I just got here" I said scratching the back of my head.

Louis let out a soft chuckle. "Look I know you have feelings for her but it looks like Niall does to so maybe you should let him be happy" Louis said smiling.

"Yeah I guess" I say looking down.

"But Lou why cant I ever be the happy one" I say with a tear sliding down my cheek.

Louis pulled me into a hug and said "you will find her mate"

I hope he's right.


Natalie's Pov:

"The plane is about to take off, have a safe and fun flight and thank you for choosing Air Canada" the flight attendant said through the microphone.

I was so excited to finally be leaving Toronto.

I can leave my dad and my old life behind me and I can start a new and happy life.

We are going to Los Angeles because that's where management wants them to take there break. But hey, I'm not complaining I've always wanted to go to LA.

It makes it even better that I get to go with these 5 amazing boys. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them. I would be at home crying my self to sleep and still getting abused by my dad and I would be hating my life.

Of course I'm still scared and extremely insecure but these boys are helping me.

I think getting out of Toronto will be good for me. I wont have to worry as much as I used to.

Sometimes it seems like everywhere I look I can see him. and that scares me.

I look over at Niall, he got the window seat. He smiled at me and took my hand. he made me happy. I never thought that I would find someone that would make me happy.

"This is going to be an amazing journey Natalie"

"And I get to do it with you Niall" I say.

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I'm still not used to all this attention.

But I just smile and lay my head on his should. Before I know it I start to drift off into a comfy sleep.


I woke up to someone shaking me.

Thank god he woke me up, I just had another bad nightmare. Ever since my dad started abusing me I've been getting these nightmares.

"Natalie you scared me" Niall said looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Why what happened" I asked nervously.

"You started crying in your sleep and screaming"

"Oh it was just a nightmare" I say looking down.

"Are you okay" Niall said giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Y-es" I say.

Visions of that nightmare kept coming back to me. it felt so real, I actually thought I was with my dad again. I was so glad to wake up with Niall here with me.

I look out of the window and see beautiful palm trees I love palm trees. I'm so excited to get off of this plane and explore LA.

"Ladies and Gentleman we are now landing in LA"

LA here I come.


Sorry if it was boring but you have to have a couple of filler chapters every now and then :D

and I needed to have a part where there going to LA anyways so it worked out :D

The more comments and votes I get that faster I will update(;

It makes you feel good when people comment and vote for my chapters<3


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