6. Kiss you.

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Thanks for likes and comments once again(:

If it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't be writing this<3

Thanks so so much for everything!

This is dedicated to every single person who took the time to read, comment or vote for this<3 xx


Natalie's Pov:

"Dare" Niall said.

Great he picked dare, i never play this game so i have no idea what to dare him.

All these thoughts and possibility's rang through my mind but they just seemed stupid, so i whispered to harry quietly,

"Can you help me think of one"

He replied with a cheeky nod.

We went into the kitchen so they couldn't hear all of the ideas, Harry had so many good ideas it was hard to decide on one!

"How about you dare him to lick somone's foot, we'll start simple" Harry said grinning.

"Awesome" I said running back to where they we're.

"Okay Niall i dare you to lick Louis foot"

"You've got to be kidding me, his feet stink so bad" Niall saying laughing.

"HEY" Louis shouted.

"A dare is a dare" I say smartly.

"Fine" was all Niall managed to get out.

He crawled over to Louis and took off his sock, he started leaning closer to the foot and licked it.

"THAT"S DISGUSTING" Niall said wiping his tongue.

Everyone bursted out laughing.

"Zayn truth it dare" Niall said pointing at him.

"Umm i guess dare" Zayn said quietly.

"I want you to call Paul and make sexy moaning sounds" Niall said in between giggles.

"I always get the embarrassing ones"

Zayn grabbed his phone and started dialing paul's number, the boys explained to me that he is with there management.

He starting moaning than saying paul's name seductively. he hung up quickly embarrassed.

I was rolling on the floor laughing, this was the most fun i had in a long time.

Zayn looked at me and said "Truth or Dare?"

"um, i guess i will try dare?" i said unsure.

To be honest i was scared of what he was going to make me do, they have some pretty crazy dares.

Zayn looked at me smiling and said " i want you to to lick peanut butter off of Harry's stomach, leading all the way up to his chest than give him a nice kiss."

My mouth hung there open, i can not believe he just asked me to do this.

"Come on, pick a different one" I said looking down.

"A dares a dare" Louis said mocking me.


Harry takes off his shirt and Zayn starts adding peanut butter everywhere!

I was scared i've never done this before but it's now or never, and i if i back out that will give them a reason to slap me across the face.

I make my way towards Harry, i don't want them to laugh and think im bad at it so i start licking the peanut butter seductively.

I reach his chest area,  his arms are now wrapped around my body and get the last few licks, finally my lips meet his and connect the kiss.

We pull apart looking at each other, i start blushing.

I look around and everyones cheering accept Niall, he looked sad, but why? i don't get guys.

We do a lot more Truths and Dares and everyone is laughing, we decide to do the final one and of course Liam asks me.

I decide to pick dare, why not right?

"Okay make out with Niall" Liam said smirking.

Really! what are these boys trying to do to me?

I make my way over to Niall and look into his beautiful blue eyes, we puts he arms around me and i put my hand on his rosy cheek, our lips crash together.

After a couple of minutes we break apart smiling, that was amazing.

When we finished i went to my bedroom and locked the door, i really needed to think.

I was so confused, it felt right kissing both of them, why did they have to do this to me?

It would have been better for them if they never found me, im just going to cause drama, im just some stupid girl they don't need me.

Im worthless.

I felt a hot tear stream down my cheek, i know it would be best for them if i just leave but where do i go?

I decide to do what i always do to make me feel better.

I pull the blade from my pocket and start cutting...


There ya go!

I wanted to leave a shocker at the ending(:

She was just getting happy to :(


Love yousss<3 xx.

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