13. hung over

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Natalies pov:

I woke up after finally getting a bit of sleep. My head was pounding.

Harry's words kept ringing through my head. i felt horrible and i don't know why. I guess because his voice sounded so hurt when he said it.

I had no idea Harry had feelings for me. Everything is going to be awkward now that i know.

But i cant just forget about Niall and go with Harry. Niall has helped me out through so much and im starting to get strong feelings for him.

My whole life i've been abused by my own dad and i never really had any friends cause he always locked me in the house and wasn't aloud to leave.

So to have these boys care for me means a lot. Niall is such a good person, im so thankful he spotted me in that alley.

I hope harry doesn't beat me up because i don't wanna be with him. I have to admit i have a tiny bit of feelings for him but my feelings for Niall over power the feelings i have for Harry.

I need to talk to Harry sometime today, i don't want things to be awkward.

My thoughts were interrupted by the smell of pancakes. i decided  to go to the kitchen and see who's up.

Everyone was up but harry, he's probably hung over and he has been distant towards everyone lately.

"Good morning" shouted everyone.

"Morning" I replied sleepily.

"For you" Louis says giving me a plate full of pancakes.

"Your a lifesaver, thanks Louis" I sad smiling at him and taking a seat by Niall who is already done eating.

"Anything for you love" Louis replies then goes back to cooking.

I start digging in right away, they were actually really good!

I look over and see Niall smiling at me.

"What" I ask smiling back at him.

"Your just adorable"

"Thanks" I say now blushing.

"You want some" I ask pointing to my food.

he licks his lips and nods his head. This boy can eat.

We were all laughing and talking when Harry came down. We all stopped talking and started looking around awkwardly. There's so much tension between us right now.

Louis handed him some pancakes and he sat down and started eating. Liam cleared his throat making the situation more awkward.

no one knew what to say.

Harry ate them quickly and without saying one word he went back to his room.

"What's up with him" Zayn asked.

"He's probably hung over" I said quietly.

"What are you talking about" Liam said now curious.

"Yesterday he came home late and I heard him downstairs. he was so drunk he couldn't even make it up the stairs so I helped him and put him to bed"

"Not again" Louis said sadly.

"What do you mean not again" I asked Louis now concerned.

"Lately Harry has been using alcohol to try to get rid of his problems"

"That's horrible" I feel like this is all my fault.

"But I don't know what his problem is this time" Louis said looking at me.

"Me either"

I lied to him, I couldn't tell him the reason why especially when Niall was in the room; When Harry is ready i'm sure he will tell someone.

"Can I try talking to him" I asked the boys.



My hands started shaking as I stood by his door.

What if he gets mad at me? What if he never wants to talk to me again? I don't wanna lose our friendship.

I finally get enough courage and knock on his door.

He opens it and looks surprised to see me.

"What do you want" He says not looking at me.

Why is he making this so hard.

"Harry we need to talk"


Leaving you with another cliff hanger ;)

The more votes + comments I get = the faster I update(:

If I don't have time to update before Christmas than MERRY CHRISTMAS<33

I love you all xxx.

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