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"You should go with her, before you start writing 'Shirayuki' all over your papers." -Kiki

(Zen's POV) 

Shirayuki's friend was straightforward to say the least as she grabbed hold of me, aware of my status and dragged us to the pavilion street. I smiled at the thought of Shirayuki finding unique people, but I wasn't exactly normal either. Shirayuki gave me an apologetic glance and I shrugged it off with a smile as we enters the busy street. "Ehm, Yuzuri?" I asked, "yes?" I avoided the beaming eyes and continued, "I don't really feel comfortable wearing earmuffs. It would look weird." I explained. "I think it will look cute." Shirayuki suddenly said and gasped that she said it out loud. I stared at her amused. I can't argue with Shirayuki with such pleading eyes, I thought in conclusion and gave up, letting Yuzuri and Shirayuki drag me to a cloth stall. Yuzuri seemed to look carefully among the earmuffs and pulled out a pair with pointy ears, similar to her. She put it on me and I blush of how embarrassing it felt. It did however make my heart flutter as Shirayuki laughed at me. Selfish as it is I want Shirayuki to pick one. But I seems I didn't have to think more of it as Shirayuki talked to the owner and pointed at a pair of earmuff. The owner gave it to her and she carefully stepped forward to me. "Try these." She said and gestured the muff for me to try them. I hummed and smiled, bowing my head for her to put it on me. She fumbled a bit and then carefully put it on, the warmth of her hand passing my cheeks as she put it on. I looked at her and Yuzuri pressed her face towards Shirayuki to see the same perspective and gasped. "Oh those are perfect!" She said, I looked at the shop mirror and smiled. They were really cute, they were fuzzy white and round instead of Yuzuri's pointy ones. 

"I'll buy it. Shirayuki picked them for me after all." I stated and gave Shirayuki a charming smile to tease her earning a blush from her as I gave the owner money. I noticed that Shirayuki were the only one without earmuffs and I pointed at the muffs. "Shirayuki, don't you want a pair too?" She shook her head and smiled. "It hard with the hood and the hood makes it warm enough." She explained and smiled. I still felt bad about it but let it go as we continued along the pavilion. The smell of food made my stomach growl and Yuzuri laughed, "Guess we'll eat then." softly and continued leading us down the street, the different smell of food stalls increasing. We we're about to leave the product stalls when a sparkle caught my eye. It was a stall with accessories and I stopped. "Wait here." I said and walked towards the stall, feeling Shirayuki's curious gaze on me and Yuzuri gossiping something to her eagerly. There were earrings, necklaces and even accessories for you earmuffs, I felt a feeling of lost at the different accessories and colors and stones until I saw a hairpin. Shirayuki likes to tie her hair up when she's working, I thought and bought the hairpin. The seller complimented my taste as sellers usually do and I asked him to wrap it neatly in a box. I walked back to Shirayuki and Yuzuri and smiled, "Let's go eat." I said, clearly intending to keep what i bought a secret. I want to give it to Shirayuki while we eat. Yuzuri however smiled smugly at me as if she knew and nodded in approval. It felt odd to get approval without agreeing upon it but I was happy nevertheless. 

Shirayuki stopped and pointed towards the wonderful smell I caught earlier and shook Yuzuri's arm. "They have the tents out already? Let's go there!" She pleaded and Yuzuri agreed, hastily walked us towards it. The tents in question were pseudo picturesque campsites with lights and pillows on the floor. "Did you know Zen, these tents are used near winter to honor the city's origin as lone travelers campsite. Isn't that neat." She explained and looked at me hopefully. Unaware of what to say I just agreed that it was cool and Shirayuki seemed to laugh because of it. We found a nice table and a tent for ourselves and Yuzuri made herself comfortable, feeling herself up to Shirayuki. "So, how far have you guys gotten?" She blatantly asked and I choked on my own words, seeing Shirayuki explode out of embarrassment. "We've only kissed!" She exclaimed hastily and I blushed. "Shirayuki you don't have to tell her that, at least in front of me." I explained, feeling my voice crack out of the feeling of being exposed. "Sorry." She said hurriedly, stumbling on her words and looking away, blushing. Yuzuri laughed in the chaos saying she would pay for the first round of drinks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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