Chapter 2: "Oikawa's Worries"

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The days went by slowly for Oikawa as he was preparing to go to Japan. There was now one more day until the flight, and Oikawa was more nervous than expected. I mean, he couldn't play volleyball anymore. What was he supposed to tell everyone? He had told Iwa and Makki, who probably told Matsun, but what about everyone else? He hadn't even told his parents yet. He was getting even more anxious as his flight approached. What am I supposed to tell my parents? That thought terrified him. He had no backup plan in life, it was just volleyball, volleyball and volleyball. He knew this wasn't good. His mom was always supportive of his volleyball career and loved to watch his games, but on the other hand, his dad hated it and never thought of it as a viable career. Maybe dad was right..? Oikawa sighed. It just wasn't fair. Why me? ... Why me? ... Why me? Why me? Why me? Why me? Oikawa started to tremble. His thoughts surrounding his mind. Sitting on his bed, he curled into a ball and cried. His body was shaking violently as he let out loud sobs. He sobbed for hours until his mind wasn't racing anymore and he was asleep.

It was only about 7pm when he fell asleep, so when he woke up it was 4am. When he sat up and checked his phone, he was relieved. He forgot to set an alarm, so he was glad he didn't miss his flight. Today was the day. He was going back to Japan. It had been almost a year since he had been last, and he was excited to see everyone; just saddened by the circumstances. He decided to text his parents that he was coming to Japan, as he had not yet. He had been too scared. He sighed, sending the text, and grabbing his knee brace, putting it on before he stood and looked at himself in the mirror. There was still some bruising and swelling around his knee, but less than before. It didn't matter, though. No matter how good or bad it looked, he wasn't ever going to play volleyball again.

And that thought shook him to his core.

He grabbed clothes, quickly getting dressed and ready as he packed a few more last minute items in his suitcase, zipping it shut. His flight was at 6am, so he had two hours, but knowing the airports he knew it'd be best to get there early. Looking around his apartment he glanced and reflected on anything he might need. After determining that he had everything, he grabbed his keys and went out the door; hesitating before locking it. How am I supposed to tell my parents? He gulped, brushing it from his mind. I'll figure it out when I get there. He walked out the door, called an Uber, and headed to the airport.


The time now read 5:48am as he was getting prepared to get on the flight. He had texted Iwaizumi to pick him up when he got there, but considering the flight was a day and a half long, he didn't have to worry for a while. Surprisingly, Iwaizumi immediately texted Oikawa back, which was very odd. Oikawa knew Iwaizumi at least slept in until 12pm everyday- unless he had something to do -so Oikawa was confused. "How long is the flight?" Iwaizumi asked. "A day and seven hours," Oikawa replied, following it up with, "why are you awake?" Hesitantly, the three dots popped up. "I woke up at 5am, I wanted to text you while you were getting on the flight." Oikawa paused. Why? It's not like he wasn't grateful, but he didn't understand why Iwaizumi was doing this. He had no need to. "Oh, okay. Thank you," Oikawa said. He didn't really know what else to say. "Did you tell your parents yet? You know, about your knee." Oikawa paused. Ugh. One of the main things he was regretting. He didn't want to see the pained expression on his mother's face and he didn't want the harsh lecture from his dad. "No, and I'm not excited to," Oikawa said. "Don't blame you," Iwaizumi replied. Oikawa knew that Iwaizumi knew what he meant. Being friends with each other since they were six, Iwaizumi was very close to his family and was considered like another son; so, not only did Oikawa's father's doubts pass onto Oikawa, he also passed them along to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi was never planning on going pro, but he still got the same lecture Oikawa got. Oikawa always shot him apologetic looks when it was happening, but Iwaizumi would give him amused looks. Iwaizumi usually just laughed it off afterwards, but Oikawa just couldn't do that. It was his own father, afterall, and him not believing in Oikawa was heart wrenching, and Iwaizumi knew that. He always stood by when Iwaizumi himself was getting lectured, but whenever Oikawa got lectured for the same thing, he'd step in; making encouraging comments to Oikawa throughout the whole thing. That's another thing Oikawa was grateful for. Oikawa smiled a bit and typed "yeah yeah. I'm probably boarding soon, but I'll text you throughout the flight. Be prepared to be annoyed," Oikawa giggled a bit at his message. "Oh god," Iwaizumi typed, making Oikawa giggle a bit more. Iwaizumi always made jokes about Oikawa being annoying, or calling him shittykawa or trashykawa, but instead of taking offence, Oikawa found it slightly endearing. It was just how his best friend was, and Oikawa loved that. Just then, he heard his flight being called as he walked up to the start getting ready to board it. He smiled, thinking of his and Iwaizumi's memories together. God I love him. I love him. Platonically.

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