Stupid With Love (Reprise)

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I guess it can be taken as a continuation (or prequel) of the previous one so...

Edit: Now with fanart at the end! 🥺💜💜


Dragon Quest . Of course he knew the code for that!

He didn't need to look at Senku to know that he had an awestruck look on his face. Finally, someone who could bring back something that went beyond basic survival needs (well, if he didn't count that mangaka they unpetrified back in Japan).

And sure, they needed the computers if they wanted to be successful in their mission against Whyman, but Gen knew Sai's abilities went beyond that.

Even if Senku recognized the value of entertainment, he wouldn't hesitate to postpone it in favour of all the things that needed to be accomplished first. However, Gen knew that the scientist missed it as much as anyone and video games just happened to be on top of his list.

You could say that for someone who was known for having the worst of luck, Senku had stumbled upon a mine of gold.

Well, Ryusui guided them to it, to be more precise. Although he highly doubted that their captain was thinking about that at the time. He just wanted to reunite with his brother and saw the opportunity when it arised. They needed a mathematician, Sai was one.

Of course, had Ryusui told them about his long lost brother, they would have helped him anyways, but even Ryusui wasn't as straightforward about some things as he wanted everyone to believe. He would tell what he 'desired', sure, but he always saw everything as a transaction. If he wanted his brother back, then he would have to give something in exchange and in this case, what he offered was a math prodigy.

A math prodigy who also happened to be a proficient programmer.

Gen should be used to being surrounded by geniuses by now and yet here he was, feeling a little bit envious of their newest member.

He knew it was stupid. It wasn't even a competition! He missed entertainment, even if he himself wasn't big on video games. In fact, much of his knowledge about them had come after they were long gone thanks to Senku's constant references, but it was precisely because of this that he should feel happy for him.

And it's not that he wasn't.

He was happy, for the most part, but he was also insecure on where that left him, even if he was aware of how ridiculous it sounded considering that his area of expertise was completely different.

However, despite that knowledge, his brain decided that the best way to deal with his insecurities was to go and make a fool of himself.

Of course, let's go and tell Sai how he convinced a whole village to help him build an observatory for Senku's birthday after he calculated the date.

Please .

He was talking with a genius mathematician, there was no way that he would-

"That's really impressive!"

"What are you talking about? That's probably a walk in the park for you." Gen answered with a short laugh. He would have thought Sai was mocking him if it wasn't for how sincere he sounded.

"No, well... maybe I could do the numbers, but you figured out all the information you needed by yourself and without raising any suspicions. I wouldn't have been able to come with such a plan." Sai said with a sheepish smile.

Gen had to admit it was kind of cute...


"You would have probably found another way..."

"I sincerely doubt that." He said, taking a glance towards Ryusui's direction. "He found me even in this chaos."

"Well, in your defense, it's Ryusui-chan who we're talking about. He doesn't know how to give up easily."

"I guess you're right about that." Sai sighed before offering him another smile that Gen found himself returning.

What's worse, he couldn't help but add in a sudden burst of confidence: "Don't worry, they may work us to the bone but... No, you know what? The truth is they are errible-tay!"

He knew saying that was a risky move. Sai was still testing the waters with them and a wrong choice of words could easily make him change his mind. However, there was something about Sai that made him feel... comfortable .

Maybe it was because he reminded him of Ukyo and he really missed his friend. As much as he had fun with the others, Ukyo was probably the only one with whom he could have calm conversations like that.

When Sai joined his laughter, Gen was relieved to know he made the right call.

"By 'they' you mean Ryusui and Senku, right?" He asked once he recovered.

"Yup!" Gen grinned. "But... I guess that deep down, like very deep down, they are good people... mostly."

"Well, if you say it, then it must be true." That earned Sai a confused look.


"Yes, Chelsea is really nice and she talked very highly about you."

"Of everyone, I'm sure."

"True, but... she said you were especially trustworthy." Gen definitely shouldn't laugh this time.

He didn't, but he did surprise himself by giving an honest answer: "I'm not so sure about that."

Sai let out a soft laugh.

"That only makes me believe it more." He said, and there was something in his eyes when he looked at Gen that left him wondering what exactly he was seeing. "She says that Senku is really fortunate to have you by his side and I think I'm starting to see why that is."

Gen felt the warmth on his face and had to remind himself that they were probably referring to his role as the second in command. Nothing more.

There was nothing more than that.


"Oi, mentalist, I need your hindsight on something!" Senku called, interrupting whatever he was about to say.

"I guess I'll talk to you later." Gen laughed, standing up from his place (he hadn't noticed they had leaned so close to each other) and dusting off his clothes.

"I'll like that." Sai answered with that smile again.

"Mentalist!" Senku urged, sounding more irritated than before and making Gen wonder if he had been staring at his companion more than what was necessary.

"Oh, uh, coming~!" He said, rushing to Senku's side.

He completely missed the exchange of looks between the annoyed scientist and the mathematician.


Thank you for reading! Please, don't hesitate to let me know what you think! 😊

Also, please check this wonderful comic by Asagiri_Zeentya 💜:

You can reach me on Tumblr, Twitter Instagram as @fieryjeanne

Have a great day! ✨

See you next chapter! 😉

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