A Cautionary Tale

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I lost again 😔 I already changed the status from "complete" to "in progress"...


Senku was going to kill a Nanami, he just had to make up his mind on which one.

They were supposed to be solely focused on building the computer, but Ryusui decided they should take a break and go to the beach. Gen, living up to his self-proclaimed title as the slacker of the group, agreed wholeheartedly, alleging it would be good for the team morale given they had such a gigantic project ahead of them. And once Gen agreed, there wasn't much Senku could do to stop them.

Okay, maybe there was something he could do, but he wasn't ready to admit why he couldn't say 'no' to Gen's dumb pouting face.

That was how they ended up going to a nearby beach that Chelsea found with swimsuits and even a picnic that Francois managed to prepare in record time.

However, despite wearing theirs, Senku and Sai stayed a little farther from the water to continue working on the computer while the rest of the group had their fun.

That didn't mean that Senku wasn't secretly enjoying the current situation as well. He couldn't stop the fond smile from appearing on his face when he heard Gen and Chelsea teaching Kohaku, Chrome and Suika about the different beach games they could play.

And that's where the elder Nanami came in.

"Are you two a thing?"

Senku stopped what he was doing to stare back at Sai. However, he wasn't looking at him, not anymore at least. Instead, his gaze was focused on someone else, someone who was currently splashing and laughing in the water with their friends.

He had a vague idea of who those two were, but he asked anyway, keeping his face neutral despite the already growing annoyance he felt.

"Gen and you, of course?" He answered, having the audacity to even look surprised that Senku had to ask for a clarification.

If it wasn't so irritating, he might have found it funny that both Nanamis asked him the same question little after they were revived.

However, it was different this time. He didn't want to simply sigh and say: "No, I'm not dating Gen, as if I have time for that kind of stuff."

Instead, his mind supplied a different answer: "Why do you want to know?"

"Is that a 'no'?"

Senku clenched his jaw.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but there is no time for that."

Sai seemed unfazed by his sudden aggressiveness. If anything, he looked confused.

"So you haven't asked him?"

Stop sounding so surprised!

"There is nothing to ask." He said, hating the growing excitement on his face.

"Does that mean you don't like him?"

"That's none of your business." Senku was going to lash out if this conversation kept going any longer, so before that happened he said: "Are you done with your gossiping? Because if you don't plan to work, you might as well join the others."

"Oh, yeah, you're right. Sorry about that." Well, at least he had the decency to sound embarrassed.


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