Aero King

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Of course, I didn't want to give Reyna the cold shoulder, but she should've been at Della's house. If it were my mom, I would've wanted my best friends to be there with me. But Reyna not being there did affect me on a personal level. It means that she was somewhere else that night without my notice. I'm not her dad; I don't require an hour-by-hour update, but I'm staying at her house to help her. Don't I at least deserve to know where she's sneaking out to in the middle of the night? I've told her everything.

Well, besides the text messages. Whoever is doing this is constantly bugging me. From phone calls telling me not to talk to Reyna, to texts letting me know that they see my every move. Right now, they're harassing me – letting me know that they can do whatever they want, so when the time comes, they'll be able to control me. But why me? What's the benefit?

Currently, I'm in Hanzo's car, on my way to 4512 with Maren, Al, Del, and Hanzo(obviously). I immediately called shotgun to get away from Allister. I really don't have an interest in her – not like this, at least. She's scared and nervous and doesn't really know what she wants. She hasn't been thinking straight. 

"What do you think we'll find?" I ask Hanzo while the girls talk about something else in the back.

 "Hopefully, Makai," he responds. Hanzo's jaw tightens and he frowns.

"You don't think he'll be there," I conclude. Guiltily, Hanzo looks at me before returning his attention to the road. "It's alright," I tell him. "I don't think so, either."

 We've been driving for around two hours and we finally pull to a stop at an old gate in some backroads that lead to the woods. There are tire tracks in the dirt and footsteps on the path past the gate. Someone's here. 

"Time to find out," Hanzo tells me before sliding out of his car and getting a giant wrench from his trunk. Everyone else files out and takes on Hanzo's enormous tools. I take the crowbar. Slowly, we venture to the locked gate. "Eyes sharp," Hanzo tells us."Watch your step and don't be afraid to break some bones." 

Brusquely, Hanzo nods at me and I take that as my cue to break the lock. With a swift and powerful stroke, the chain gives way and I push the gate open. "Alright, guys," I whisper. "Phones off – no lights and no sounds."

They do as told and it's Della who takes the lead. "Let's go get Makai."

 We follow her lead, walking in a line. The pesky bugs would've bothered me on any other day, but today is the day we might encounter the killer, and if we do, I'm ready to kill

"Watch your step," Hanzo instructs, noticing the broken board before Della does.

 One by one, we ascend, everyone waiting on the porch until the last person, me, goes up. I stop short at the broken board. "Aero, come on," Allister hurriedly whispers.

 "Hold on..." I bend down and examine the board. Fresh blood paints the sharp edges of the boards. That means someone came here who didn't know about the faulty stair.

Does that mean they forgot in a fit of rage? Or does it mean they don't usually come here?

"Someone came here forgetting about the rotted board. Don't know if it means anything." 

"We've got a bigger problem," Hanzo says, nodding at the door handle. Once upon a time, it was locked. Now, the chain pools at the bottom of the door and the lock is MIA. Someone was here, but now they aren't. If anything important was here, or anyone for this matter, wouldn't they keep this on 24/7 lockdown?

"Not a good sign," I whisper to him and only him because he's the only one who can handle such a truth.

"What does it mean?" Maren asks us, gripping a hammer.

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