Reyna Copulas

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Maren, Grayson, and Kellin leave me with two psychopaths. They look completely different, but they don't act that way. Both have killed people and both think their actions are justifiable. The jagged cut over Enzo's eye makes him look trulymurderous. The twisted smile over Ezio's face makes him seem like the original killereven more. 

"So, we're here now," I state the obvious, walking closer to Ezio. I try to ignore the factthat Enzo is tied up and staring at me with wide, hopeless eyes. I also try to ignore the factthat if something terrible happened to him, I wouldn't feel all that bad. At least, not rightnow I wouldn't

The pain in my shoulder and my palms are catching up to me now. It hurts to hold theknife and it hurts to walk and swing my arms. But with the situation at hand, I think I canpush the pain out of my mind for a little bit longer.

 "I just want to get a good look at you is all," Ezio promises, stepping away from Enzoand walking around me in circles. Accidentally, I look at Enzo; his yellow eyes are glassyand he watches me carefully, calculating my expressions and trying to translate them intosomething he understands. But what is there to possibly understand? My friends aredead, partially because of him. I put aside my suspicions and trusted him with everythingI had, only for the killer to make a short film about how stupid I was to trust such a man. 

"You've been looking at me for fifteen years," I whisper, feeling Ezio's trailing eyes. "Apicture lasts longer."

"Wrong," Ezio corrects, stopping in front of me. "A picture can be damaged. Often, pictures capture fake, setup moments. There's nothing fake about you when you break down, or cry, or scream at the world. In fact, that's when you're the most real." 

"Well you looked," I say.

"I just want to get a good look at the bitch who corrupted my son."

 Scoffing, I say, "Your son was already corrupted. He was corrupted by a monster whoshoots his child, has his other one fall for someone to betray them, and stabs their wife. You're just a lowlife piece of shit. Why pick Maren as an accomplice? You would've seeneye-to-eye even more so with him," I nod at Enzo, whose eyes flare with anger. Good. Iwant him to hate me so when he tries to accuse me of something, I can mitigate it bybringing up all his flaws and tearing him down. There's a side of me who wants him to feelthe pain I'm feeling now

"I saved you time and time again!" Enzo roars, furious at my comments. "Without me, you would've been dead." 

"Who knows?" I spit back. "Della might know, or Hanzo, or Adriano – but you killedthem all. You, Enzo. Not your failure of a father, or your psychological disorder – butyou."

"I didn't have a choice. I had to do anything to protect you. I love you!" 

"I used to love you, too," I sob. "But you're a liar and a fake. It's one thing to mask youremotions every now and then, but you have too many masks for me. You act like a normalperson capable of feeling until you get bored. So instead of picking one of the manyreasons to tear yourself down, you find someone else to destroy. It's sick, twisted, anddisgusting." 

"What're you trying to say?" Enzo growls, brows tight together in vexation. He strainsagainst his bonds and his jaw feathers. "What are you trying to say after all the countlesstimes I saved you? Go on, kid. Spit it out."

Ezio has stepped aside and made his way to Enzo, who has worked up a massivetemper. Like Enzo is a dog on a leash, Ezio cuts the ropes away and Enzo stands up like aspring that's been recoiled for too long. Suddenly, I become afraid. Would Enzo hurt me? I don't see why not. 

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