Reyna Copulas

19 11 1

Kellin drove me to my house. Now that the killers are dead, the investigation has been cleaned up and I can live here again. I didn't let Kellin inside. I told her I wanted time alone. 

I feel like I haven't been here for a hundred years. It's so empty now. It doesn't feel like I've spent 18 years of my life here at all. Waltzing through the living room, I ignore the ghosts of my mother and father on the couch. I know they're gone. There's no reason to dwell on the memories of when they weren't.

 I walk into Enzo's room and lay on the bed. It smells like him: old spice and pine. Taking a deep breath, I inhale his existence. Apart of me wants to cry at the fact that I'll never see him again after I was so happy with him. But the other part is sick of crying. That's all I did last night. Today is a new day. 

I walk to my room. Immediately, memories of all of my friends being hereafter dinner inundate my mind. We were trying to find Makai and I invited everyone over. We all sat there on this bed, trying to figure out where he could be.

There's no way I can stay Solaris, I mean. Too much has happened here. I won't be able to look at something and not think about the killers or my friends. I'll have to move, but where to? 

A college is always an option, but I need a break first. I need to find peace in myself in order to move on to a peaceful life. God, I've been hanging out with Kellin way too much.

Next, I go all the way down the hall, where Giovanni King was murdered by his own brother. I sit on the bed, remembering when I found this door cracked and the first note I ever got was on this bed. This is where it all started. Gio was killed and that wasn't enough for Ezio, so he tortured his own son by torturing my friends and me.

I'm just glad it's over. I went to the party for an end and I got one. 

 The home phone rings and I jump 20 feet in the air. My first thoughts are that it's Ezioor Maren. But the caller ID says that it's just Town Hall with an announcement. A crucial meeting will be held at two o'clock in the afternoon regarding the Solaris events.

This really is the end; I think to myself. It's all finally over.

But I don't smile.

I don't think I know how to, anymore.

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