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«Where shall we go?», Ethan asks.

We have come down to the city. Damiano tried to talk to me all the way down here, but I can't stand him tonight.

«We can go to trentotto. Since it's saturday I guess there are a lot of people there», I smile and walk towards the club which is only 10 meters in front of us.

I was right. It's full of people, dancing like it should have been the last time. There are plenty of boys here, many to my liking. Maybe not exactly like Damiano, but definitely very handsome.

«There are so many people here. Can't we find another place?», Thomas complains. He has never been fond of partying among many.

I sigh. «Like I said, I had plans to go out alone. If you want to go somewhere else, please. At least I'm staying here. I don't miss to get laid just because you don't like large crowds»

Before they have time to say anything, I disappear further into the club. The music is loud, which makes me distant quickly. I find the bar that is placed against the wall and sit down.

Right now I need alcohol in my blood.

«What can I get this beatiful lady?», the man behind the bar counter asks. He's nice to look at, but I have to admit that Damiano is nicer.

«Three tequila shots, please», I answer. He nods and starts filling up three small glasses.

I don't tolerate tequila shots and that's a bit of the reason I chose it. I get drunk fast, which fits perfectly tonight.

The bartender puts them in front of me and winks. I'm starting to think that all bartenders are equal.

The clock is ticking, and more shots are fired on me. I'm already on my seventh when someone touches my shoulder. I turn and meets Ethan's eyes. My head says I'm going to sharpen up and pretend I'm not drunk, but I can not control myself.

«Ethan, baby», I shout over the music and throw my arms around him. Ethan lifts me down from the bar stool.

«How much have you ingested?», he asks with a serious tone. I laugh at how overprotective he is even though I really appreciate it.

I'm going to answer in what something a little further away attracts my attention. Damiano is standing there dancing with someone, and it looks like they are going to eat each other up.

Suddenly it feels like I'm completely sober again. I slip out of Ethan's arms and move closer to where Damiano stands of pure curiosity.

The girl who pulls her body down his body has brown short hair, and after a step closer, I see who it is.


What the hell is she doing here? I thought she was going back to work in Rome?

I'm getting nauseous. Seeing them dance together that way makes me shed a tear. Love hurts so much, but when I'm drunk, it almost makes it even worse.

Standing there knowing that you aren't the person he loves is tough. My body is stiff, and I can't move a single muscle. What worries me the most is that things between me and Damiano aren't good, and now that she's here, everything's going to get a lot worse.

I'm not good at dealing with my jealousy.

«Are you okay?», I hear Ethan's voice behind me. I don't know what to answer him. I'm not okay, and haven't really been since I discovered my feelings for Damiano. The day that came to ruin everything.

«You're in love with him, aren't you?», he gently strokes my back. I let my tears roll.

Ethan has found out. Now everyone knows. What first started as my little secret has been revealed to everyone I love. I can't stand and look at this. I need air.

«I have to go. Sorry», I say to Ethan before I quickly run out of the club. Away from anything that destroys me.

It is impossible to explain in words how painful it is to see them together. Hold each other, kiss and do all the couple things I wish I could do with him. Every time I think she's gone, she comes back.

Outside, the streets are filled with drunk people who are either going home or trying to get into nightclubs without much success. I can try the same, but I'm not in the mood and most likely too drunk.

The queue for a taxi is long, so I just decide to walk home. It's not too far. Maybe I can get rid of the intoxication (alcohol) too.

I can't get further than up a hill until I hear a familiar voice calling for me. Right now, I'd much rather jump down from a cliff than talk to him. I can't bear to tell the same thing over and over again about how much I love him and how confusing he is.

Without looking back, I continue up the hill. He keeps shouting. «Victoria, can you please stop?»

Damiano is getting closer and closer. Going fast uphill is not something I would recommend. Your legs will fail or become incredibly trembling and almost impossible to walk on.

«I mean it. Stop. We have to talk although I don't quite know what's going on», he begs loudly, because now he is close and doesn't have to shout anymore.

Should I really bother to explain him the same thing again when nothing positive comes out of it? I spend my time on a person who doesn't understand how important he is to me and how much I love him.

Now my legs hurt so much that I have to sit down. One more meter now and I am lying flat in the middle of the road waiting for someone to drive over me.

It does not take long before Damiano squats down in front of me and takes my hand. This is just kindness, so I choose not to comment on it. Besides, my body is too weak to do anything.

«Will you tell me why you're so upset?», he says as he tries to make eye contact with me. Reluctantly, I meet his gaze.

«I'm so tired, Damiano. You have no idea how exhausted I'm to see you and Giorgia together. You love her, I love you, so there's not much to do with it. I think I'll just go back to my apartment tomorrow», I throw my arms out to the side while I sob.

I don't even know if he got what I said.

It becomes quiet between us. Damiano says nothing and just sitting there looking down.

I get impatient and get up to go, but he grabs my hand and gets up too. We stand face to face and look at each other. His eyes shine after the light of the moon. They are so beautiful.

Damiano takes his hand with my hair behind my ear. He has a thing for doing just that, but I don't know why. I think he just wants to make me comfortable even if it just makes me more stressed.

«You are right. I love her, but I... I also love you», he says and before I know it, his lips are planted on mine.


Thank you so much for 4,5k readers and 295 votes  <3 It means a lot to me, and I didn't think it would go so fast, but it did, and I'm eternally grateful!

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