Loss Brings Such Sorrow.

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Chapter 6: Loss Brings Such Sorrow.

Tom explained that whilst he was out drowning his sorrows, Benedict had tracked him down and as they left the pub, they ran into Taron. Tom apparently lost it, when Taron, mentioned both mine and Madison's, names. Chris backed him up on this story and also explained as to why they both ended up sat in my kitchen. I had laughed a little at the fact that both had been told off not only by Joss, but that Diana, had told them both that they had behaved badly and had just shown themselves up by letting Madison, and I down. The bruise on Tom's cheek had started to show more and now had the usual bluish purple look to it. We talked for another hour before Tom, finally gave in and fell asleep on my bed. Chris, had gone home as it was nearly three in the morning. I stood outside of Madison's bedroom just starring into her room, sleep was calling me but i didn't want to give in.

(Joss's POV)

I arrived back at Nicola's place with Robert, we managed to run the gauntlet of press and rushed inside. After speaking to one of the other Detective's, I found out that Kieran Smith, had been spotted not only hanging around Madison's school but had actually been on the same flight as Nicola when she got back to the UK.

"Do you think I should tell her?" I fretted to Robert as we headed upstairs.

"Tell....who what?" Tom yawned as he Lent over the banister, looking down at us.

Robert gave a little chuckle when he caught sight of Tom, who looked like he had not only been in a bar brawl but had been dragged backwards through a hedge by the Hulk.

"Well Tom, you look a little worse for wear. Where's Nicola?" Robert, remarked as we got to the top of the stairs.

"She's asleep in Madison's room. So Joss, what are you not gonna tell Nicola?" Tom inquired as we reached the door to Madison's room.

"I think it will be best to tell you both after.........Where's Nicola?" I asked as we stepped into the room. We checked all the rooms and yet she was no where to be seen. Robert and I checked with the police downstairs and yet no one had seen her. "Tom, when did you last see her?."

"About an hour ago, I was heading into the shower and noticed that she was asleep on Madison's bed" he stated, as we came back into the living room to see officers, flying out through the front door while Detective Dueck came in.

"Mr Hiddleston, Mr Wheadon, we've just traced Miss Frost's phone. She's heading towards Brompton Cemetery, a car is waiting for all of you. But we need to go now. The other Detective's and officers will wait here" he insisted, almost pushing us out of the door. Tom grabbed his keys and we made a dash for the waiting car.

(Tom's POV)

As Detective Dueck drove towards Brompton Cemetery, I began to think the worst. Had Kieran, been in touch with Nicola?. Had he done something to Madison?. Would I arrive to find both of them....... No I had to keep my head sane. Suddenly I felt a hand shake me.

"Tom, hey are you alright?."

"I'm fine Rob, just fine."

We arrived at the cemetery and I dived out of the car and took off running. I could hear Robert, Joss and Detective Dueck, shouting and running after me. Soon I could see Nicola and Scarlett, in the distance. As I drew closer I noticed Nicola, was knelt down in front of a gravestone. She turned quickly with tears running down her face, trying to hide what was written on the gravestone.

"Don't come any closer Tom. Please...........Just" she cried. Now everyone else had caught up. Nicola was heartbroken and I could tell that it was more than just because of Madison. I knelt down and pulled her into my arms. Then I saw what she hadn't wanted me to see.

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