Twins and Memories

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I had been induced once before, and that one time was enough to convince me that I wanted to avoid Pitocin if at all possible. I was now 37 weeks and had decided that I wanted to get things moving on their own. Tom, was attending a meeting for his next project while I was finishing off some work for Joss at home. I decided to take a walk up and down the cul-de-sac a few times, stopping only now and then to catch my breath. Tom pulled into the driveway and shook his head at me.

"Darling, what are trying to do? Make those babies walk out? Eheheheh." Tom said as he watched me waddle up the drive towards him.

"No I just needed some air, but if they decide to start the labour now, then that would be good wouldn't it?." I replied with a grin.

We went inside and I followed Tom, to the kitchen where Diana, was sat watching Madison, who was doing some colouring. As we entered they both looked up and Madison ran into Tom's arms. "How is my little princess today? Did you have fun at school?."

"Yes I did. We had a group spelling test, and I managed to get my word correct." Madison proclaimed proudly.

We all laughed at her excitement. "And what word did you get right princess?." Tom asked.

"MARVEL!." Madison shouted as she danced around us.

 We then spent the evening having a nice meal with Diana, and sitting down to watch a movie. Once in bed I struggled to sleep. So I laid there, then read and thought and read and thought and read and thought until about midnight when I finally drifted off. At about twelve forty five in the morning I woke up. I made my way to the bathroom feeling strong Braxton hicks as I went and pop! "TOM!" I screamed at the top of my voice, (pretty sure I just woke the whole house and street). Tom, came running into the bathroom already dressed. "My waters just broke! and I'm contracting already." 

"Nicola, listen to me everything will be fine. I'll wake my mum to let her know what's happening, just stay calm." Tom, spoke quietly and calmly.

As we drove through the dark London streets, my contractions were getting stronger and closer together. By the time we arrived at the labour ward, I was contracting every four minutes. We were shown into room six, were the midwife then asked a hundred and one questions to fully admit us.

"I need an epidural, please. I don't need to be anyone's hero, it's just I'm in so much pain." I cried as I was helped onto the bed to be examined by the Doctor that just walked in.

"Nicola. My name is Doctor Robertson, I'm going to examine you, just to see how far dilated you are ok?." He said as he gently checked how far along I was. "Right, not to panic you Nicola. But I need you to start pushing on the next contraction."

"WHAT!." Tom, and I declared together in shock.

Doctor Robertson just smiled and calmly said "Nicola. You are fully dilated and baby one is already crowning. So with this contraction I need you to push. OK ready........push for as long as you can."

I didn't really know how long I was pushing for. I do know that Tom, was fantastic. He was holding my hand and encouraging me along.

"You can do this love. Keep pushing he's nearly here, I can see the head."

Soon after our first son 'Thomas James' was born and twenty minutes later our second son 'Christopher Ben' was born.

"Thank you love. They are both perfect just like you." Tom, said with tears running down his cheeks.

"They look so much like you Tom. I am just thankful they are both alright."

 A few hours later I woke in a private room to see Tom, holding both of our sons and talking to them. As he noticed that I was awake, there was a knock on the door.

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