Happy Days, Sprinkled with Lies.

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(Nicola's POV)

Months had past and I was now halfway through the pregnancy. Kieran, had been facing his court case for the past two weeks, Joss, and Rosamund, had mainly been each day to keep Tom, and I informed on how the case was going. Today was the day we would find out the sex of the baby's. Yep I said baby's, I was expecting twins again. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

Tom, and I had decided to move in together, as we wanted to create a stable safe home for Madison, and the twins. We bought a house in central London but still private enough to keep us all safe. As we headed to the hospital with Tom's mum Diana, I received a call from Detective Dueck.

"Detective. How can I help? Is everything OK?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"Nicola. Everything is fine, I am just ringing to let you know that Kieran's court appearance for judgement is in two days and no one is expecting you or Tom, to appear. The statement that his girlfriend gave is enough to send him down for life. And I am pretty sure in your condition. Tom, would want you to stay away" he responded.

I looked over at Tom, and smiled lightly as he looked over his sunglasses and winked. "Detective, we will be there. I want to make sure he goes away forever after what he has put us all through."

"Alright. I will arrange the details and will let Mr Wheadon know, as I know he will be there. See you in two days."

As I hung up my phone and placed it back into my bag, I looked up to find Tom, glancing my way with a look of concern on his face.

"Everything alright Love?" he inquired, as he pulled into a car parking space in the hospital.

"Yeah everything is fine. As you heard I just informed Detective Dueck, that we would be at Kieran's court judgement in two days."

As we headed towards the maternity wing my mind started flooding with memories of when I was first pregnant and went through this almost alone, if it hadn't had been for Rosamund, who helped me and Joss, for arranging my work so that I wouldn't run into Tom. It had been wrong of me to have kept the pregnancy secret from Tom, his family and friends and now I was beginning to feel bad about what I had done. I stopped just outside the doors and took Tom, by surprise. I hung my head in shame and blinked away my tears.

"I'm sorry. Sorry to all of you" I cried as Tom, pulled me into his arms.

"Shush love, you have nothing to be sorry about. We're all here now and I am never leaving yours or Madison's side again" he assured me, as he wiped the tears from my cheeks and smiled down at me. "I love you Nicola, I mean it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Tom, and Diana, managed to calm me down and we walked inside. After waiting ten minutes, we were called into the ultrasound room and soon we could clearly make out our twins on the screen.

"Would you like to know the sex of the twins?" the sonographer asked, as she looked up from her monitor and smiled.

Tom, and I nodded in anticipation.

"I have the pleasure to tell you that you are having twin boys and both are doing extremely well in growth. Baby A, is laying head down and weighs about 1lb. While baby B, is opposite and I would say he is just under 1lb. Congratulations to you both."

I noticed both Tom, and Diana, wiping tears away but smiling. I held Tom's hand as he lent over and kissed me.

"Thank you love. You make me so happy." he beamed as we left.

Two days later we were walking into the court house to hear the judgement of Kieran's case. Tom, held my hand tightly as he could sense the fear inside of me. We sat with Luke, who had finally been giving the all clear to return to work. Much to Tom's approval. As we sat listening to the judge talk about the evidence of the case and the witness statements, my eyes fell upon Kieran.

He was sat looking straight at Tom, and I. And mouthed silently 'Your Dead!'. The fear rising inside of me was too much and I just ran from the room, I could hear the judge speak to Kieran, and his solicitor as the doors shut behind me. As I ran down the hallway, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into an embrace.

"Its ok love. Your safe, we are all safe. Nicola, please. I promise you, I will keep you and our family safe" Tom whispered, as he held me tightly.

"I can not go back in Tom, I can't face him.......I" I cried, as I stood back.

Just then the doors burst open and Joss, headed straight out Looking furious, with Rosamund, Luke and Detective Dueck closely following.

"Two years, how the hell is that justice for what he did!" he shouted, and then caught sight of Tom, and I.

My heart plummeted as I knew it would mean that he could be out in no time. I looked to all of them trying to show a brave face. Detective Dueck, then stepped forward to explain what happened.

"Joss, is right. its not fair that he has only been giving a two year sentence. I'm afraid its a lot worse than that Nicola. For good behaviour he could be out in less than a year and serve the rest of his sentence doing community service. The only good thing to come out of this is the fact that a fifteen year restraining order has been put in place and he is to not come anywhere near.......... did I say something wrong?" he continued.

I didn't want to hear anymore and just turned to walk away. I felt so many emotions right then, that I just wanted to curl up and hide. "A restraining order! why do you think that's a good thing? He never paid any attention to the last one, so why would he with this one! So don't bother trying to sugar coat it."

"Nicola, calm down. We'll all sort this out, together" Tom, began with concern in his eyes.

"Calm down! How? He just mouthed in there that I'm dead, I can not deal with this right now, I just can't!" I declared, as I pushed my way through the hordes of press and fans. And climbed into a taxi. "Saint James's park please."

I am sorry that I have taken so long to publish this chapter, but I have had writers block and couldn't think of how to get this chapter finished. Please comment/vote. I thank you all for following and keeping with the story.

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