Wedding Tears.

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(Tom's POV)

Today is the day. The day that I will marry my best friend, the love of my life. It's hard to imagine that at one time in my life I never wanted this. But now as I quietly dress I can think back on how much my life has changed for the better, having Nicola and the children in my life was everything that I wanted and needed. As I stepped from the bedroom into the main living area I was happy to see my parents with both of the boys, along with Chris, Ben and Robert. Everyone looked fabulous.

"Oh Thomas" mum said as she turned to face me. "You look handsome as ever".

"Thank you mum". I replied as I helped her to put the boys in their pushchair. I turned and smiled at my friends. "Shall we go meet the guests, I had a text from Evans that nearly everyone was here".

We headed down to the main hall that was filled with people everywhere. "My god it's like an awards night. So are you ready for this?" Chris asked as we descended the main staircase and started to greet each guest in turn. "Liam, Luke. You both made it" I heard Chris say as I stood talking to Luke Evans and Brie Larson. Thank god i had decided to be ready an hour before the wedding, greeting each of the guests filled this time and the next thing i knew I was being tapped on the shoulder by Chris and Ben.

"It's time Tom. Nicola is on her way" They said together.

"Are you ready Mr Hiddleston?" Maria Trilbert asked as I arrived at the front of the aisle with Chris.

I smiled and nodded as the nerves started to kick in. I noticed Wendy take her seat next to Rosamund's parents and smile at me. I could feel myself starting to shake but excited at the same time. Chris placed his hand on my shoulder and nodded as we both looked back down the aisle as the doors opened. Ben walked in with my sister Sarah on his arm, with Robert and Emma following. Then my precious angel Madison walked in beaming from ear to ear, and then Ken walked in with Rosamund. My heart began to race as I looked back towards the main entrance as Nicola walked in with Simon at her side. She truly looks amazing as she looked straight at me smiling making my breath hitch in my throat.

(Nicola POV) 

As I sat having my makeup and hair done by Tom's good friend Douglas Noe, we laughed and joked as he told me tales of working with Tom. The photographer snapped away, taking the best shots possible. I then heard Madison giggling with Emma and Sarah as they helped her to dress and make a fuss of her. Lori and Monty arrived to help me with my dress as Rosamund and the others appeared looking fantastic.

"Wow Nicola. The dress is even better than I remember". Rosamund said as Lori and Monty stood back smiling.

"Y'all look fantastic. Nicola, and Monty has seen the groom and his groomsmen" Lori replied as she stood back from me and looked at Monty.

"Yes. Your husband to be looks very handsome and is already down stairs waiting" He said as he fixed my veil in place.

Once I was ready we had many photos with each other and I especially wanted photos with Madison, as I hugged her and smiled at how gorgeous she looked. Tom was going to love her dress I thought as I watched her twirl in the middle of the room. I thanked Lori, Monty and Douglas as they left to join the other guests. I stood looking out of the window as Simon joined me.

"I have to admit, I never thought this day would happen!" I said to him.

Simon looked down at me and smiled. "I didn't either. I mean that I would be the one to walk you down the aisle. I thought that I had burned a bridge that we could never rebuild, but I am so glad that we have. And both Wendy and I are proud to call you our daughter". I gave Simon a hug just as the photographer snapped the perfectly timed embrace. "So are you ready to go?" he asked as he stood back and held me at arms length.

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