Calling Time.

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Chapter 7: Calling Time.

(Luke's POV)

Ever since Nicola, had her accident, which was my fault. I have tried everything to make it up to Tom. Thankfully with the news of Madison, being Tom's, fan's have accepted it. I was worrying for nothing, I have even collected Madison, from school and dropped her home. Getting to know Nicola, and Madison, I now feel very protective over both of them, even helping Nicola, with her work for Joss.

As I moved around collecting everything in my office for Tom, I received a phone call from him.

"Luke, mate. Please meet me at Nicola's. Madison, has been kidnapped from school! I need you there please."

"Of course Tom. I'll leave now and meet you there. Do you want me to pick up your mum and Emma?."

"No. We're just pulling up to her house now. Luke.........Why would someone do this? She's seven years old. She must be so scared and I,I........I can't help her."

"Don't think about that. Just get to Nicola's. I will meet you there."

That phone call will stay with me forever. At the time we had no idea why this happened. I actually thought it might have been a crazy fan, wanting to use Madison, as a way to meet Tom. I never expected it to be someone from both their past. As the days turned into weeks, both Nicola, and Tom, looked more worried. As was everyone, but we could never really understand what was going on in their heads.

I hadn't slept much and as I prepared to face another day of trying to help Tom, and Nicola. I felt that we would never again see Madison alive. I placed my cup in the coffee machine and left it on as i went for a shower. When I came out and got dressed, I actually thought I heard something downstairs. I entered the kitchen and found my cup on the floor in pieces, just then I sensed someone behind me. I turned around to find myself face to face with Kieran Smith and a woman.

"Look my love. We have a play mate for Maddie" Smith said, as he rushed towards me.

I managed to hit him in the stomach and get him on the floor just as the woman rushed at me. I quickly grabbed a knife from the side and cut her arm as I pushed past her. I ran for the front door but then saw Madison, stood at the top of my stairs. I bolted up to her, and as i headed for my room picked her up in my arms. I managed to lock us both in my bathroom but then realized I had trapped us both by leaving my phone on the bed. If I could quickly get my phone and ring for help. Madison, and I could just wait Smith and the woman out. I looked down at Madison, who looked so tired and thin. I was just glad she was OK, but she was different? there was something about her demeanor i just couldn't quite shake?. I knelt down to check her over.

"Madison, sweetie. Are you alright?." I cried, "Please, just let me know. Your Mummy and Daddy are......."

"LIAR'S!." she hissed, as she backed away from me. Suddenly it was like she was possessed by the devil himself. "They are LIAR'S, they say they love me but they don't. They only care about themselves, my Mum most of all. Because she kept me a secret, hidden from all of you. But Kieran, and Lindsey, they love me. I'm their daughter now, and that is why we are here. Because i know how much you hate my Mum, you can come live with us and help take care of me."

I stood up slowly and backed away towards the door. I don't know how they had managed it, but Smith, had managed to pass on all of his hatred to Madison. As I opened the bedroom door and reached my phone to dial Detective Dueck. Madison, plunged the knife into the top of my leg. I heard Detective Dueck, answer.

"Mr Windsor..........Luke?. Are you alright?.

"Detective.......Help.......Madison, she's........Smith, he brainwashed......Madison, No! NO!."  

The last thing I remember is Madison, pulling the knife out of my left leg and plunging it into my right as Smith, and the woman enter the room smiling.

When I woke, I could hear Madison, screaming and the woman shouting at Smith. to just kill her.

"Don't you get it. She's my weapon. She will stab that bitch Mother of her's in the heart, while her Father watches on and he will live with the fact that his own flesh and blood killed her own Mother." he roared, and I could tell he must have grabbed Madison, as she started screaming again.

I tried to move but felt really weak, suddenly the door opened and the woman pushed Madison, into the room. She was crying and shaking, I noticed that she was afraid of me as I reached out to her. She backed away, shaking her head. But I just wanted to protect her more.

"Madison, please" I begged, "This was not your fault. Sweetheart, we have to help each other."

"Uncle Luke. Why don't you hate me, I hurt you. He wants me to kill Mummy and hurt daddy. They keep telling me that Mummy and Daddy are liars, but...........but they......they love me. I know that." she sobbed, as she moved closer and eventually fell into my arms.

As I held her gently, I could feel how frail she really was. I sat with her until she fell asleep in my arms, I had to get her out of here but with both legs bandaged, I just wasn't strong enough to stand. The next thing I realized, I was being shaken awake and a phone thrust into my face.

"Hello" I croaked.

"Luke, mate. Are you alright?. Is Madison OK?"  Tom fretted. I could hear the anguish in his voice.

I had to respond quickly. "She's fine, just a little thin. And I am OK. Tom, Smith's trying to use Madison to hurt you and kill.........." I said just before Smith, hit me and kicked me in the chest. As I grasped for breath he picked up the phone and grabbed Madison, by her hair. She screamed and cried for me or Tom to help, as I laid on the floor and steadied my breath, I could see a building through the open door. The Shard, I could make out The Shard. Which meant that we must have been north of the Thames on Wick Lane, an abandoned building which I think is the old Dudley Stationers. I decided to shout out to Tom, knowing it could mean danger for both myself and Madison. "Dudley Stationers Tom! Wick......."

(Tom's POV)

When we found out that Luke had been taken, I couldn't help but blame myself. I threw myself into looking for both of them, whilst trying to stay strong for Nicola. Luke had been missing for almost a week when we received a call from Smith.

"Hello" Luke croaked, he sounded awful. I had heard the call he had made to Detective Dueck, and still couldn't believe that Smith, had somehow used Madison, to hurt Luke.

"Luke, mate. Are you alright?. Is Madison OK?" I fretted, as I choked back tears and held on to Nicola tightly.

"She's fine, just a little thin. And I am OK. Tom, Smith's trying to use Madison to hurt you and kill........" It sounded like the phone had been snatched away and we could hear Luke gasping for breath. We heard Madison scream and cry, which made me want to kill this monster even more.

"Luke! Daddy help, please daddy........" Madison cried out, Nicola backed away and fell into the arms of Scarlett and Elizabeth Olsen. Suddenly I heard Luke shout out.

"Dudley Stationers Tom! Wick......."


My eyes grew wide as I realized that was a gunshot, Madison was screaming out Luke's name, but he didn't respond. I just starred at the speaker phone praying for him to answer.

"Now look what you made me do Tom. Ha ha, Poor Luke, is dead and his blood is on your hands." Smith jested and hung up the phone.

The police moved quickly as they knew that Luke had revealed Smith's, whereabouts. I just stood in shock. Luke, my friend. My confidant. He had risked his life for my daughter and I had no words to know what to say. I fell to my knees and cried. I had lost so much to Kieran Smith, and I just couldn't take anymore.

I am so sorry this has taken so long to get this chapter finished, but i had a little writers block. I am so grateful to everyone who has stuck with this story and i promise Tom will have his vengeance. Happier times are coming. Please leave any comments and votes. Again thank you so much. xxx

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