Chapter Two

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8:08 p.m

"I told you to hurry up. You see we're late!" Taehyung whispered angrily next to me. I elbowed him because everyone was staring at us. They didn't know what we were talking about because of the music that was playing but still. They were watching every move we made. "Ow what was that for?" He asked more like whined and rubbed his side on the same spot I hit him. "We're only 8 minutes late." I said as I looked at my pocket watch then placed it back in my pocket.

I started to walk in and he followed me. As we were walking everyone had their eyes on us. The person who did the party was our friend. His name was Hoseok. He was standing from a short distance and waved at us to catch our attention. We made our way towards him and he greeted us.

"How are you guys doing?" He asked in his usual cheerful and bright voice. "We're good." Taehyung answered for both of us. "Well thanks for answering instead of me." I told him sarcastically. "How about you two sit down here because literally everyone is watching?" Hoseok asked nicely. Both of us nodded in agreement then each one of us grabbed a chair out and sat down. I just took a glance around and noticed that all eyes were on us and some were even whispering to their friends as they looked at us. It was very uncomfortable but I was kind of used to it so it didn't bother me that much anymore.

I grabbed my glass that was filled with cold water and placed it near my lips. I was about to take a sip but I heard almost everyone gasp loudly. I moved the glass away from my mouth and placed it back from the table as I looked at the direction everyone was looking at. I looked up the stairs to see a stunning young lady walking down the stairs as she lift up her dress slightly to be able to walk down comfortably.

She was wearing a long blue gown that looked stunning on her, with her blonde locks that were placed beautifully over her shoulders

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She was wearing a long blue gown that looked stunning on her, with her blonde locks that were placed beautifully over her shoulders. "That's Yoona." Taehyung whispered from beside me which caused me to snap back to reality. I looked at him and asked "Who is she? From where does she come from?" I asked him out of curiosity. "Her mom is an American housewife and her father is a Korean lawyer." He answered almost immediately. I raised my eyebrow because I was suspicious of him. "Are you stalking her?" I asked him. He chuckled and said "She's the girl I keep telling you about. She's my best friend."

I looked back at her and saw her standing down the stairs awkwardly

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I looked back at her and saw her standing down the stairs awkwardly. Everyone was surrounding her and she looked nervous. Taehyung got up and walked to her as quickly as he could. A young gentleman went up to her and I heard him clearly asking her "Would you like to dance?" She opened her mouth to speak but Taehyung was quicker and he pulled her by her wrist gently away from the gentleman then said "She's with me."

He dragged her out of the small crowd gently and politely. They were making their way towards me but for some unknown reason I kept looking at her. As dramatic as it sounds it was like the world was moving in slow motion. The way her wavy hair slightly jumped as she took every step. The way she blinked her eyes making her dark and long eyelashes flutter beautifully. The way that her forest green eyes suddenly looked at me making my legs go weak that was when I broke eye contact and the world was moving in it's normal speed.

I picked up my glass and took a sip of water as I felt awkward and because I felt like my lips also throat became dry. Both of them were standing in front of the table and that was when Taehyung properly introduced us to each other. "Jungkook this is Yoona my close friend. Yoona this is Jungkook my partner in crime also he's a brother to me." I stood up to act like a gentleman and maybe to impress her. "Thanks for the introduction Taehyung. You're gonna make me blush." I joked to get rid of the awkwardness that was surrounding us.

He rolled his eyes and she giggled a bit. "Nice to meet you Yoona." I said as I extended my hand out for her to shake. She shook my hand and said as she smiled brightly "Nice to meet you too Jungkook." We stood there for a few more seconds staring at each other until she pulled her hand away from me. Taehyung cleared his throat which made me pop out of my fantasy. I was about to pull a chair out for her but Taehyung was faster than me and did it for her. She thanked him before sitting down.

"You know how hard it was to convince your father for you to come here? I just wanted to remind you that you can't go anywhere without me. I promised your father that I'll always keep an eye on you." Taehyung told her. I've never seen him so gentle and caring towards a lady or even anyone. I didn't think that much of it because he was her friend and who was I to assume things?

"Alright I get it. I'm not going anywhere without you." She mumbled. Taehyung laughed and patted the top of her head. She gasped loudly and he said before letting her say anything "Don't worry I didn't mess your hair." She then smiled and looked away from him. I thought she didn't mean to look at me on purpose but it happened. Our eyes met. Her forest green eyes met with my warm brown eyes that couldn't look away from her. We spent the rest of the night only looking at each other without talking.

That what the beginning of our story. Without any warning or introduction, just like that she walked into my life.

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