Chapter Five

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Date: August 1st 19078:28 p

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Date: August 1st 1907
8:28 p.m

I went to the book store to buy a book or two because I finished reading everything I owned as I walked out of the store I kept looking at the books I purchased smiling brightly as if I achieved something big. I looked up at the sky to see that it was already dark outside and the weather was beautiful so I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood then go back home. As I was walking I knew that I came close to Yoona's clothing store so I looked through the glass to see her sitting down behind her desk.

I was debating if I should walk in and talk to her or just walk by. I finally picked up the courage and walked in. The bell on the door that was over my head rang announcing that someone just walked in the store making Yoona look my way. Her eyes met mine making sparks run down my spine. She didn't look happy nor sad, it was like she was disappointed.

"How are you?" I asked her softly as I walked towards her. She stood up and bowed her head slightly. "I'm good. How are you? I haven't seen you in the past few weeks even though you said we'll meet agin soon." She said politely. "I'm sorry. I've been working on my new novel so I've been a bit busy." I replied to her.

"Oh a new novel! That's wonderful. I hope I'll be the first to read it." She said excitedly. "Of course." I simply said. She broke the silence by saying "Do you have any plans at this moment?" She asked which caught me off guard. I shook my head. "Would you like to go out to have a drink with me because I need to get my mind off of things and I need a drinking buddy?" She asked which caught me off guard again, it was as if this woman was full of surprises.

"Of course. How could I decline a great opportunity to have a drink with you?" I asked as I tried to talk normally without making it obvious that my heart was jumping around rapidly. "Please wait a moment for me to grab my purse and close the store." She said smiling weakly. I nodded and waited for her to gather her things then putting them in her purse. She turned off the lights as I walked out. I waited for her on the first stair on the top. When she walked out and turned around to lock the door with the key I could smell her perfume that was floating in the air, she was only a few inches away from me. I was hypnotized by the smell but liked it. I regained my conscious and snapped out of it, I turned around to walk down the stairs.

As we were walking making our way towards the bar I kept peeking at her with the corner of my eye seeing her reaction but she didn't react, she just looked emotionless. I kept thinking about what I should talk about but I kept my mouth shut scared to mess things up. We stayed in silence the whole way to the bar without uttering a word.

She broke the silence by telling the bartender "I want the strongest drink you have." I looked at her in shock and thought of changing her order without her permission because she might not be able to handle it but then I just kept quiet and decided to let her drink whatever she wanted, she might've had a bad day and just wanted to get things off of her chest.

He placed the small glass in front of her and she immediately took it and gulped it down her throat then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

She placed her glass back then grabbed the bottle that was next to her glass. I grabbed her by the wrist and told her "Take it easy." She looked at me with tears filling her eyes that were about to spill but she kept holding it in.

I knew she was stressed out about something so I let go of her wrist and let her pour herself another glass of alcohol. She kept drinking and pouring herself a glass every time she was done. Every time she took a gulp she would squint her eyes maybe because of the burning sensation that was splashing through her throat but that didn't stop her.

I was debating whether to ask her what was troubling her or not. I didn't know if I had the right to ask her so I finally decided not to say a word until she spoke first to tell me what was wrong.

I spent the rest of the night waiting for her to utter a word but she didn't. She kept spacing out every once in a while then gulping the entire glass of alcohol.

When it was around midnight I couldn't just let her stay in that unsafe place and I saw that she was tired because she rested her head against the counter. Her face was facing me, her eyes were blinking slowly as if her eyelids were heavy to keep her eyes open, her cheeks and nose were rosy and her lips were slightly parted. I shook my head slightly trying to wake my senses up.

"I think we should leave now. I'll take you home." I told her trying to be as respectful as possible. I stood up but she didn't. I thought it was hard for her to move from the dizziness and tiredness so I grabbed her forearm lightly as I helped her stand up.

She struggled to stand up straight so unconsciously I grabbed her waist avoiding her to fall down. After I held her firmly I noticed how impolite that was of me but I couldn't just let go of her so I helped her walk out the bar.

I didn't know where she lived and I was sure that Taehyung was the only one to know where she lived but I couldn't get a hold of him easily.

I took the right path and as I walked about a few steps towards that direction I saw Taehyung from far away looking like he lost someone and was running around looking at every direction. His eyes landed on me, well I guess on us and he ran towards us.

Without a warning he grabbed Yoona from my grip and told her "We've been looking for you everywhere. Your parents are worried about you." She looked up at him and smiled brightly. "Taehyung. Where have you been?" She asked then giggled as she held on his arm trying to stand up straight. He then pushed me aside lightly and she leaned on him. "Let's get you home now." He told her then walked away with her without thanking me or even talking to me.

Even though I knew that they were close for a long time it still killed me more inside.

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