Chapter Six

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Date: August 8th 19078:12 p

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Date: August 8th 1907
8:12 p.m

A week passed by and I decided to check on Yoona because I didn't see her since the time she got drunk. She didn't say what was wrong and why she was feeling down so I thought I should give her some time and space then I should check up on her.

I saw her closing up her store and then walking down the stairs. I kept walking towards her and she might have heard my footsteps because she looked at my direction. She smiled weakly and asked "How are you?" I stood in front of her and smiled widely and replied "I'm good. How about you?" She just nodded her head.

"Would you spare an hour or so to have a drink with me?" She suddenly asked. "Of course." I replied then we walked towards the bar. As we were walking my hand softly brushed her hand which made electricity run down my spine. I then placed my hand in my pocket to avoid situations like that.

Just like what happened the week before, she kept pouring a glass after another and I couldn't stop her right away but after she finished the first small bottle and asked for another I couldn't stay still.

I snatched the second bottle out of her hand and told her "That's enough. I think you've drank too much." But that didn't stop her from drinking, she grabbed my wrist and with her other hand she took the bottle out of my hand. I didn't have a strong grip on it so it was easy for her to take it, especially because I was shocked my her actions.

I stayed quiet and drank two glasses trying to stay sober so I could take care of her. She kept drinking until I felt like she was going to be sick and she stopped drinking.

"Let me take you home." I told her and helped her stand up properly. She was dizzy and couldn't stay in balance so I wrapped my arm around her waist so she won't fall.

We walked out of the bar and walked the same direction that Taehyung took her the week before. "Miss Yoona where is your house?" I asked her as I turned around facing her but she was already looking up at me which made our faces only a few inches apart. It was all of a sudden so I turned away looking at the road in front of us and cleared my throat. My heart was beating faster as if it was about to jump out of my chest. I was scared that she'll hear it because of the silence that was surrounding us.

She giggled and said "I'll lead the way." I listened to her because I didn't have any other choice. We kept walking then she said "T-to the left then y-you'll see a-a white house. Th-that's my house." She barely said because of the hiccups that kept cutting her off as she spoke. We took the left path and we kept walking until I saw a big white house.

I walked on the stone path that lead to the front door. The lights in the living room were on so I knew that this is the house because people usually slept around 10 but it was around midnight when I took her home so her parents were still awake waiting for her I assumed.

I rang the doorbell that was beside the front door and waited for just a few seconds. I heard a ruckus inside so I waited. I looked at Yoona to see her resting her head on my shoulder.

The door suddenly opened and a man that looked like her was in his mid forties was standing in front of me and a young woman standing in the living room.

Once the man saw Yoona he held her and said "Where have you been dear? We were so worried about you." I knew that he was her father. I let go of her and her father wrapped his arm around her waist and helped in.

I assumed he took her to her room because he was out of sight. The young lady walked towards me as I was awkwardly standing in front of the door not knowing what to do. She smiled brightly and said "Thank you for bringing my daughter home safe." "No it's fine. No need to thank me." I replied.

"Please come in." She told me and I was hesitant at first but she insisted I should sit down for a bit. Her dad then appeared in the view and said "Come in." I then walked in but for some reason I felt nervous.

Her parents sat down in front me and I stayed standing up until her father said "Please sit down." I then sat down.

"What would you like to drink?" Her mother asked me. I shook my head and said "Nothing, thank you."

"What's your name?" He asked me in a strong voice which caused me to snap my head towards his direction. "Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." "I feel like I've heard that name before." He said as he stroked his chin thinking then it clicked to him and he said "You're the famous writer who wrote the novel Crystal Clear. What an amazing book."

I felt proud of myself that Yoona's father liked my novel. "It's such an honor to hear you compliment my novel." I said politely.

"How do you know Yoona?" He asked curiously. "Through Taehyung. He's my best friend." I replied. "Oh! You're friends with Taehyung? He's such a gentleman. He always takes care of Yoona." Her mother said happily. I noticed that she was fluent in Korean maybe because she lived in Korea for such a long time.

Deep down inside I felt jealous because they kept complementing Taehyung in front of me. "Honey didn't he say that his last name is Jeon?" She whispered to her husband but I heard her because of the silence that was filled in the room.

It made me confused at first. "Yes darling. It's fine." He told her but was still looking at me. She tensed up which made me even more confused. He cleared his throat and said "Thank you for looking after Yoona. It means a lot to us."

"No need to thank me Sir." I said then stood up. "It's getting late, I should go back home now. Thank you for inviting me in."

"You're welcome here anytime." Her father said and stood up to walk me towards the front door. I just smiled not knowing what to say. I walked out and walked on the stoned path making my way out of their land.

I was confused and felt lost at her mother's words. So if my last name is Jeon what's wrong with that? Why did I feel like she was going to make a fuss about it then backed out? Something was wrong but I couldn't quite exactly put my finger on it.

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