Chapter 3

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January, 1940- Things have been rough since the town has been turned into a ghetto. We have been locked up like we were animals or criminals. But for what reason, and why? The Nazi soldiers that stormed the place said we will be going to some new home soon. But when? What will happen to us, our homes here? Our lives are now in there hands.

Gil was frightened like everyone around her. She was huddled with her neighbors, all alone without her family. They were now all dead from sickness and incidents. She was scared for herself and how much longer she will be alive.

The SS officers came with the troops shouting out orders at everyone again. An officer with a megaphone standing on his seat in his fancy car was directing the orders. "Take only clothes and other items you may need. Leave everything else behind and return back to this area immediately. We are evacuating the entire place and make sure whatever belongings you leave behind will be kept safe" Everyone was filled with fear as he repeats the news. Guards frantically shouted for us to pack our suitcases quickly and made us stand outside until everyone was done. People were then transported to a nearby train station and loaded into wooden cars. Their suitcases left behind in a large pile to be taken. It will be sorted through for any valuables and other expensive or luxury items.

The train ride in the car was long and miserable. Everyone was packed into one car, sweating and stuffy. There was barely any fresh air coming through the somewhat small windows. Some children were crying as there mothers were trying their best to keep them calm. Talking to them sweetly so they could stop. Others whispered to each other of what was going on and what would happen to them. The train horn blew as it kept going, speeding up slightly before entering a mountain tunnel.

After the train left the tunnel, sounds of planes can be heard heading towards them. This sends everyone into a panic as those near the windows try to see what was going. Two Spitfires flew pass the train at a fast speed as more people screamed.

A woman shouted "We are gonna die in here like cattle!!" She broke down in tears.

Suddenly a group of Bf 109's followed behind. Starting a dog fight between them and the Spitfires. Both sides had excellent fighter pilots as shots were made. But the two British pilots picked off the German pilots one by one before heading back to their respective airfield. Only one of them had bullet holes in the left wing as they disappeared.

Eventually the people in Gils car settled down as night fell on them. Most people were awake as some fell asleep already.

I made this chapter short so the next one could be longer for your entertainment. Hopefully it will be for some of those who enjoys history and to those willing to learn. Please vote and comment as it helps me with future chapters and the writing process. I do want to make my work better in any way and will take any creative criticism for works I may write in the future.

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