Chapter 11

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Gil's POV:
Waking up the next morning early to get dressed and start the work day. Leaving the room and going to Kommodant Augusts room. He is usually awake and working by this time in his study. Once she opened the door, seeing him with a towel around his waist and hair wet from taking a shower.

  This made me blush as she closed the door quickly and going downstairs. Thinking that she should have at least knocked first before barging in like that and making eye contact with him. Anxiety ran through my body as I tried to take my own mind off of what she saw. August had a perfect body, lean and muscular was one of the things that has been dreamed of for a man. August had that body and couldn't handle herself.

August walked in with a smug look on his face. "Looks like we are even with this little game we are playing"

"Game? This isn't a game at all. Do you know what will happen to us if someone finds out about us?" I was worried about my own safety.

Sighing and then August starts walking up to me. "Hey, nobody will find out. If they do, I have the power to make sure they are dealt with"

"How do you plan on doing that?" I was curious about what kind of power August had.

"Remember that guard that almost did something to you? I sent him to the frontlines to fight. Got news that he got injured two days ago and is on leave to recover. You don't need to worry about it Gil"

My eyes widened at the news. I only thought he was dead or at least gone somehow. Not realizing that he sent someone to die or just nearly by fighting in this god forsaken war. "I-I thought he was sent back home or something?"

"Nope, I had two options and I picked the one that felt better suited for our country" At this point, August wanted something from Gil. Even given something back in return. Love, but wasn't sure how to express it to Gil.

He only had dated once before the war broke out. She never spoke to August after the breakup and when the family decided to move to a different country.

Getting closer to her, he leaned down to be face to face with Gil. Her breathing hitched some as it showed she was nervous and scared of him. He moves his right hand to the nape of her neck and planted a kiss on her lips.

My eyes widen and couldn't believe that August is doing such a thing like this before. Causing her to feel something inside of her. The same feeling that August had when he saw her sleeping in his bed the other night.

Placing a hand on his chest and pushing him away from me softly.

"What's the matter Gil, are you not enjoying this?" A smile spreading across his face.

"I never been in a relationship before and I'm not comfortable with this sort of thing" Looking down to keep my eyes off him.

"Hmm, well I can explain or show you what it is like" Wrapping his arms around my waist as he teased.

  Shaking in fear from what he may do to me. I wasn't ready to consent to whatever it would be that August wanted as tears threaten to pour over the rim of my eyes.

  "Shhh, I promise nothing harmful will come to you Gil. Just to treat you like a normal woman and give you the experience of dating"

  "Normal? What about the others? Will the other prisoners experience the luxury of a normal life?"

  "Gil, I can't control this situation and I have my orders"

   "Then why can't you do something?!" Tears run down my face.

   "I'm am, just listen to me please. Several people have been given papers to leave the country under a false identity. So they can leave to America or Britain. Do you understand?"

  Nodding my head as more tears fall. August had let me work for the rest of the day alone.

That evening:

Siting in his office, August had a drink in his hand and a book in the other. Taking sips in between flipping of the pages. Sarah had already gone to bed, leaving Gil the only maid awake.

Going to his office for some company. "Do you have some sort of interest in me Kommodant?" Curiosity was getting the best of me with recent events.

Looking up from his book. "You're pretty, hope you understand that this is just coming from a fellow human being"

"I do, just don't understand why a man of the Reich is interested in a innocent girl who is considered and enemy of this nation"

Finally standing from his chair, I get tense from his actions and shut my mouth. Watching him walk over to me is leaving me shaking in his presence.

"You don't need to be scared of me Gil. Knowing already that I won't hurt you"

I felt the palm of his hand on my cheek as I stare into his eyes. Seeing that he truly meant it and he wants me to be comfortable with him. "I-it's hard most of the time. Whatever family I had left were killed by men, other Nazis and I don't want to die"

"That I understand, this won't happen and I will make sure you live"

"Can I even trust you?"

  "Yes Gil, you can. Just give me time to show you how much of a human I am"

He gave me a hug and took me to his room. Giving me the privacy to change into my nightgown as he quickly changed into his pajamas as well.

I slipped under the covers of his bed. August getting on the other side of the bed. Somehow this was more comfortable than the one in my room and the one in the barracks. But I wasn't going to complain. August decided to lay and arm across my waist and pull me towards him. My back touching his chest and feeling his calm breathing on the back of my neck. It felt soothing as it calmed me down from being tense with his actions.

  The only thought of him trying to comfort me in the best way possible. Suddenly feeling the weight of my eyes getting heavy and drifting slowly into sleep.

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