Chapter 7

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I was somewhat dreading the meeting that I was about to have.

When I got the call from my Mom, telling me that she needed to talk to me, I had no idea what to think. We had a really good relationship and I wasn't scared to talk to her. I just...didn't know how to feel. We had never, ever talked about my attraction to men. I know that she won't judge me or love me less but it's still weird. I mean I was still getting used to calling myself gay. Or bi. Hell, I was still confused as to what to call myself. And here I was, about to talk about it with my mom.

I gave the maitre d' my Mom's name, as she made the reservation. She led me to our table, ironically in the dead center of the restaurant. "Can I get you anything?" she asked as I sat down.

"Just water for now, thanks," I said as I shrugged my jacket off. I pulled out my phone to check my messages. She came back a minute later, and placed the water on the table.

I was just about to hit reply on an email from my boss when I glanced up and saw her coming to the table. My mother.

Elizabeth Abrams was one of the strongest people I knew. After my Dad left when I was four, my Mom took care of me. She always had suspicions of his cheating and confirmed it one day after she had picked me up from kindergarten. I remember her confusion when she pulled into the garage and found his car there. As we entered the kitchen, she poured me a glass of milk and handed me two cookies, told me to stay here and be quiet. I hopped up on the barstool at the island in the center of the kitchen, directly facing the entry to the hallway off the foyer. Minutes later, I heard footsteps coming down the stairwell. Some lady ran past the kitchen, followed by my Dad. My Mom calmly entered five minutes later and said to me that my Dad would be away for a while but that we'd be okay. Needless to say, that was the last time my father was a resident in our house. To this day, my mother refuses to tell me what transpired.

Then, she met Nicholas when I was six. Nicholas never tried to take the place of my Dad; he just happened to be the one my mother cared for. I remember sitting with him one night after Mom made us dinner and having a conversation. He told me that he loved my mother and me and that he wanted the best for us both. He told me that he wanted to marry her but that he would only do so after I gave him my blessing. My six-year-old self was so full of love and life back then. I knew that he made my Mom happy and that I liked him. I nodded, he smiled and we've been a happy family ever since. Both my Mom and I took on his last name.

"Alex," my Mom said as she stopped at the table. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Hi, Mom," I said as she hugged me tightly. We broke the hug and both sat down. "You look great."

"Oh stop," she said, flicking her hand in a dismissive gesture then flipping her newly cut and styles brown tresses. Our waitress came over and we ordered our food. I had ordered quesadillas while my mom had a grilled chicken sandwich and the house salad.

We talked for a while, catching up on our lives over our food. As we were ending the meal, she got to the meat of the matter, why she had asked me to lunch. "Honey, I need to ask you something."

I stopped mid chew and looked at her. It sounded serious. I finished chewing and wiped my mouth. "Okay..." I said, treading lightly.

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