Chapter 5 - Holiday Special

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I juggled the bags in my hands, trying to fish my car keys out of my pocket before I actually got to my car. Unsuccessfully, clearly, as I got to my car and my keys were still in my pocket. I transferred a couple of the bags to my left hand, pulled the keys out of my pocket with my right and clicked the alarm. I opened the trunk and threw the bags in. "I hate Christmas shopping," I grumbled to myself as I shut the trunk. I walked to the driver's door. "Hate it, hate it, hate it."

There was always too many people in the malls and outlet stores. The "sales" were never really sales and I grew tired of trying to find the perfect gift for everyone. Every year, I tried to top the gifts that I had bought the year before and ended up overspending and feeling frustrated. Then again, I probably hated it because I never got my Christmas shopping done early.

My phone rang just as I started the car and I sighed. I pulled my phone out of my shirt pocket and looked at the caller ID. I swiped and put the phone to my ear. "It's about damn time!" I said angrily. "I've been trying to call you since this morning!"

"So I see," Alex replied. "I'm sorry. I've had a busy morning. You are aware of where I work, right?"

"And?" I said, still angry. I tried calling him this morning to figure out what he really wanted for Christmas. When I asked the first time, he shrugged it off, saying that he didn't want anything. I tried to used Caleb and Jason to find out what he wanted but the little bugger was smart. He figured out that they were pumping him for information and he told them that all he wanted for Christmas was for me to stop bugging him about a gift.

Alex paused. "You are aware that financial institutions are busiest around this time of year, right?"

I sighed. I was being immature. And a brat. "I'm sorry," I said, "I know, I know."

"Now that you've had a snickers, what's up? Why the early morning call?" he asked.

Shit. I didn't think it through. At the time, I was just so fed up of trying to figure out what he wanted that I was just about to straight up ask him what he wanted. But now, my nerve had wavered. Probably because I had already bought him his present and he would have to love it or love it. Yes, he'd have no choice but to love it. "Oh, nothing," I replied, "Can't I check up on you?"

Alex sighed. "It's been weeks, D," he said. "I'm alright, really. Forgiven, forgotten, moved on."

"I know, I just...I worry sometimes."

"But why?"

"Because you don't go out," I said, trying to save the sitation.

"You mean go on dates?" Alex said. "D, I'm really not minding the single life right now. I've been in a relationship for a long time and now I'm I'm rediscovering myself, trying to myself a better me for when I actually AM ready to date again."

I was making this situation pretty worse. TIme to cut this conversation short, then. "Okay, okay," I said. "Wanna meet up for lunch?"

"Where are you now and why aren't you at work?" Alex asked. "Wait, you're just getting your Christmas shopping done, aren't you?"

"'s beginning to cost a lot like Christmas."

Alex laughed. It was good to hear him laugh. "You're silly," he said. "I'm on lunch but it'd be a bit tough to get away right now. Let's do dinner at mine instead? I'll bring the takeout."

"I'll get drinks," I said.

"Great! See you tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it," I replied, hanging up the call.

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