Chapter 1

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The sound of Dante trying to whisper woke me up. I sleepily opened my eyes and stared at him. Dressed in only a pair of black Calvins, he paced the room, whispering angrily into his phone. I didn't move a muscle as I didn't want him to know that I was awake as yet. I watched as the vein popped in his neck, a sure sign that he was angry. His fist clenching and unclenching as he paced. That night with D in college was the beginning of it all. The beginning of the mental gymnastics, the beginning of the questions, the beginning of the the road to acceptance. I, Alex Abrams, was bisexual. 

After that night, I started recognizing and understanding my attraction towards men. I still liked girls but now my mind was more open to the idea of being with a man. I no longer chided myself for thinking that this man was attractive. To be honest, accepting that fact was liberating. I walked around less tense. I allowed myself to recognize that it wasn't a flaw but just a part of who I am. It wasn't easy though. I had to think of my future and the people in my life. It was a long, hard road.

I never told Jenna about that night, neither about my bisexuality. Dante and I talked about it and thought it best to move on from it. We remained bros. Had we not, he wouldn't be pacing in my apartment right now. He spent the night at my place as we were celebrating his confirmation as Cheif Technical Producer at TTTV, the local television station. He stopped pacing briefly, his back to me, and put his hand on his hips. I admired the broadness of his back, the way it slimmed down to his tiny waist. I watched his back muscles flex as he raised his hands in frustration. His Calvins hugged his ass ever so tightly, like they were molded to fit him.

"Jackie, no, that will not work!" Dante whisper screamed and turned, frustrated. He saw me awake and mouthed 'sorry'. He audibly sighed. "Look, I'll be in the office later. We'll deal with this then." He paused for a minute as Jackie, his Boradcast Assistant, said something to him. "Well that'll just have to wait. Reschedule the meeting to this afternoon and replace the programming." With that, he ended the call. "I'm so sorry, Lex. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay," I said, rising up and stretching. "I should've been up already," I said as I looked at the clock and saw 7:45. " ass is grass." I threw the covers off me and padded over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let it the water run for a minute, heating up. I walked back into my bedroom and picked up my phone and called my office, letting them know that I'd be in for 9. I grabbed my towel off the hook and went to shower.

Minutes later, I heard my phone ring. "Yo, D, can you get that?" The silencing of "Boom Clap" by Charli XCX let me know that he took the call for me.

"Oh he's just in the shower," Dante said to whoever it was on the phone. I rinsed off the soap and turned the water off. "Alex, it's Jen," Dante said. I wrapped my towel around my waist and pulled back the shower curtain, hopping out the shower. Dante laughed at something Jenna said. "You know, we really should catch up sometime. Let's do lunch soon? Okay great. Here he is." Dante handed me the phone and rolled his eyes. He put his index fingers to his head, mimicking horns and I swatted him away.

"Hey babe," I said. 

"What are you still doing at home? And why is he there at this hour?" I groaned inwardly. Here we go again. Jenna and Dante were cordial but neither liked the other much and neither could give me a plausible explanation. I figuew that something happened between them in college and went awry. neither would tell me anything though.

"Jen, can we not please?" I closed the door and whispered. "What does it matter? D just came over to gush about his new job last night and I went to sleep late. I didn't hear my alarm go off."

Jenna sighed. "Well congrats for him but YOU have a promotion yourself to see about. So get your ass to work, mister!" I rolled my eyes. "And stop rolling your eyes." It was crazy how much she could pick up on certain things. "I know that Dante is a big part of your life but I just don't want you to get sidetracked from the goal."

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