Chapter 10: Epilogue

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One year later...


I wrung my hands over and over again as I paced the room. I wasn't so much nervous about what was happening; I was more nervous because there was no sign of Dante, two hours after he was supposed to be here. I headed over to the bay window and peeked into the backyard and took in the sight before me. The flowers, the chairs, the was all so beautiful. I'd get really upset if we did all this work and Dante just...hadn't shown up. I turned around as I heard my name being called. "In here!" I shouted.

Jason bounded through the door, dragging on his jacket. "Oh thank God!" he said, shrugging into the arms. "You ready?" he asked. His face fell as he looked at me. "What's wrong?"

I smiled nervously. "Oh, nothing," I replied. "It's just...D isn't here yet." Jason's lips parted and his eyes squinted, trying to understand. "Neither is Caleb." He then opened his mouth to say something as his face turned a bright crimson but I stopped him before he could say anything. "Yet! They aren't here yet! But they're on their way."

"Well have you tried calling them?!" Jason began pacing.

"I spoke to Dante about an hour ago, he said that they were leaving the hotel."

"But that was an hour ago!" Jason whined. "If they only-" Jason stopped and began breathing heavily.

"Jace, Jace!" I said, jumping over to him. I began rubbing his back, leading him over to the couch. "Breathe. Breathe. Everything is gonna be fine." I sat him down on the couch and continued rubbing his back, trying to calm him down. The last thing we needed today was for him to hyperventilate. Besides, he shouldn't be this worried. 

Moments later, I heard a car pull up outside and the front door open. "We're here! We're here!" Dante shouted.

I mentally cheered and turned to Jason who had stopped hyperventilating. I shot up as Caleb bounded through the doorway. I began making my way across the room to him, stopping as a couch cushion whizzed past me, hitting Caleb in the face. "Ouch!" he said, catching the pillow in his hands as it fell. "I'm here NOW, aren't I?" 

"Yeah, but you were supposed to be here an hour ago!" Jason replied, stepping up till they were nose to nose. They both looked intensely at each other. The vibe in the room suddenly changed from electric to warmth. "Don't scare me like that again..."

Caleb cradled Jason's face and looked intently into his eyes. "I'm sorry babe," he said. "Traffic and whatnot. But I would never miss this day, not for anything." His thumb moved back and forward, wiping at Jason's invisible tears. "No matter how far I'd have to travel, no matter where I'd have to go. I'd go to the ends of the earth for you. Just call my name and I'd be there. In a heartbeat." Caleb then kissed Jason softly.

Someone's throat cleared. We all turned around to find Dante standing in the doorway leading out to the backyard. "Uhm, guys, this is sweet and everything," he said, "but we're already behind time."

"C'mon babe," Caleb said as he grabbed Jason's hand. He leaned in and pecked Jason on the lips. "Let's go get hitched."



Alex and I sauntered slowly down the aisle, hand in hand, as the entry music played. I leaned in to Alex's ear and whispered to him, "Think, this could be us soon." 

"Well aren't you Speedy Gonzales?" he asked sarcastically, looking up at me. I looked at him and smiled a half smile.

"I'm just saying," I said and stuck my bottom lip out, "I did ask you to marry me. And you did say yes." I kissed our intertwined hands as we got to the alter and then we separated, me standing on Caleb's side of the alter, him on Jason's.

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