Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes and quickly shut them again, the direct sunlight hitting me way too directly. I shielded my eyes and opened them again, the sunlight hitting me a little less harshly. I sat up in the lounge chair, the blanket falling off of me. I dropped my hand, now accustomed to the light, and looked around, realizing that I was alone. The door was still open, though not as much. Where had Alex gone?

I stood up and stretched, making my way over to the door. The scent of food cooking greeted my nose as I pulled the sliding door open and stepped inside, making my mouth water and my stomach growl. I followed the smell to my kitchen, finding Alex there. He wore a black tank top and his boxers. My "Kiss The Cook" apron was tied around him, covering his body, as he stirred what smelled like tomatoes and onions in the pan. I leaned against the door frame, just looking at him be so natural.

He picked up the pan and turned around. He smiled when he saw me, not frightened in the least. "Well good morning, sleepyhead," he said as he dished out the eggs from the pan into a plate on the island countertop. "Help yourself," he said, gesturing to the plates. I walked over to the island and pulled a plate, sitting down. I speared the omelette as he poured me a cup of coffee. I groaned, my shoulders relaxing as the eggs melted in my mouth. I don't know what he put in them but these eggs were divine. I looked over at him, standing behind the island, smiling, eating out of his own plate.

Caleb came through the kitchen at this point, hair dishevelled with sleep etched on his face. He mumbled something that was reminscent of a 'good morning' but it just came out rather unintelligent. as he sat at the island. He poured himself a cup of coffee. "Well good morning to you too, sunshine," Alex said, sipping his coffee. If looks could kill, then Alex would be dead ten times over with the death stare that Caleb gave him. Alex, in turn, just turned around.

"Oh don't worry about him." I turned around at the sound of Jason's voice and watched as he sauntered into the kitchen. He plopped himself down in the chair beside Caleb as Alex set two plates of eggs that he pulled out of the oven. "He's just not that great of a morning person." Caleb hit him a death stare as well but he just stuck his tongue out. "It's okay, I love you too, babe," Jason said and kissed Caleb's cheek.

Alex and Jason began an animated discussion about mornings. I grinned and looked over at Alex as I chewed a forkful of my eggs. I oberved the way he was leaning on the counter, his elbows resting on the countertops. His focus never left Jason, his hands wrapped around the coffee mug. Alex deserved what Jason and Caleb had. Alex deserved so much more than what happened in the last twenty-four hours. Alex was so kind, so caring, so selfless in his actions. He was one of a kind; intelligent, compassionate, empathetic, generous but he was no pushover. He could smell bullshit and knew how to get over it.

My concentration broke as I heard Caleb in my ear. "You're staring at Alex," he whispered.

I shook myself internally. "No, I wasn't," I said, spearing the last bite of my eggs. "I was just admiring Jason's morning persona and his stark contrast to yours." I popped the eggs into my mouth and looked over at Caleb. He looked at me and stared for a minute. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. I saw him shake his head out the corner of my eye as I got up to put my dishes in the sink. "Thank you for breakfast, Lex," I said, pouring more coffee in my mug.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Jason said, putting eggs into his mouth. "It's delicious!" 

Alex blushed. He still got a bit shy whenever anyone complimented him on his food. "Aww shucks, it's nothing," he said. "You guys were there for me yesterday. Least I could do was feed you." We all laughed and fell into casual conversation.

Later that day, after Caleb had fully woken up, Alex and Jason went down to the grocery store around the corner to get stuff for lunch. I settled in front of the TV and Caleb sat next to me. "I have to ask you something," he blurted out. I knew where this was going but I didn't necessarily want to go there. "I don't want you to bullshit me or feed me any stories. I just need you to be straight with me."

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