The Love Potion

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When Boyfriend got home from work early, he found that Girlfriend wasn't there. He noticed there was a sticky note attached to a heart shaped box on the kitchen table.

"I'm out shopping right now. Before I make dinner, you should try the chocolate I made. See if I did good or not." It read. Boyfriend picked up the heart shaped box, opened it, and found a heart shaped piece of chocolate that filled up the box. He took a bite out of it.

"Hm." He thought. "I assumed she might have put something in it, but it tastes fine." However, almost seconds after he took one bite, he felt funny. His vision became blurry and his face went red. "Huh? It feels like I'm drunk..." He thought, placing a hand on his forehead. Girlfriend walked through the door, done with shopping. She put the groceries down on the table and walked over to Boyfriend.

"I'm back! Did you--" She stopped talking, noticing how red Boyfriend was. Girlfriend crouched down in front of him. "Boyfriend? Are you alright?" She asked. Boyfriend could barely see. When he looked up at Girlfriend, his face went even redder. For some reason, he felt somewhat attracted to her. Not that he didn't already think she was pretty- something was just different.

"What is this feeling?" He asked himself. "Am I..." He stopped thinking, flustered as Girlfriend put her forehead on his to check for a fever.

"Are you sick?" She asked. Boyfriend stared into Girlfriend's eyes.

"The whole time she was my maid, I never knew she was so... Wait, what am I saying?" He thought. Boyfriend pushed Girlfriend away from him. "I do feel a bit under the weather, so, I'll just rest for a little while, okay?" He asked Girlfriend. She nodded.

"Does this have anything to do with the chocolate I made him?" Girlfriend thought. "No... It couldn't be..." She thought back to when she was making the chocolate.


"Alright, next is a bit of milk..." Girlfriend said, mixing ingredients for chocolate. She looked at the small bottle of purple liquid she had next to her. "He's not here... This is my perfect chance to add the love potion!" She thought. Girlfriend reached for the bottle to add it to the mix, but then stopped. "But... I don't like the idea of keeping something from Boyfriend." She thought. Girlfriend sighed, and went back to making the chocolate normally. Despite deciding not to add the love potion, she accidentally did while mixing something else in the bowl. Her elbow knocked the then open bottle over, and the whole thing spilled in the mix. Not noticing this, she continued to stir, the mistake going over her head.

End of Flashback

"This is totally because of the chocolate!!" She panicked in her head. Girlfriend then tapped her chin in thought. "Well... Before I bought that potion I was told it only lasted for a day..." She thought. Girlfriend grinned and started blushing profusely. "One day is plenty of time... A lot can happen in one day..." She thought. Girlfriend slowly entered Boyfriend's room. "Boyfriend?" She asked. "Are you feeling alright?" She asked. She approached his bed. Boyfriend sat up.

"Girlfriend..." Boyfriend muttered. He patted a spot on the bed next to him. "Sit right here." He said. Girlfriend's face went completely red, and she sat next to Boyfriend.

"Yes?" She asked. Boyfriend brought his hand to her face and pulled a loose strand of her hair out of it.

"You..." He began, caressing her cheek.

"What is it?" Girlfriend asked. He leaned in for a kiss. Girlfriend closed her eyes, readying her lips... Until Boyfriend fell asleep on the spot, landing in her lap. "Aw, man!" Girlfriend whined. She looked down at Boyfriend and put her hand on his cheek. "Maybe this isn't so bad." She said. Girlfriend laid down and went to sleep next to Boyfriend.

Boyfriend's Demon Maid Book 2 (BF x GF)Where stories live. Discover now