A Lesson a teacher has to learn~Mozart x reader

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Warnings: none, just a bit of angst
Word count: 582

- NO! That is not how you are supposed to do it! Can't you get anything right?- Mozart harshly yanked your hand off the keyboard. It's true that you made that mistake a lot of times, but you where just a beginner and the transition from one octave to the other, half the keyboard away just baffled you. You could feel your eyes tearing up at your teachers harsh words. He looked at you, his violet eyes boring into your soul. - Well? - he said in a questioning tone- Continue! What are you waiting for?- He shook his head and muttered a quick "dummes Mädchen" under his breath. That was it. The last straw. You got up and knocked the sheets of music of the piano. - You know I used to love playing the piano,but you are making me hate doing so and I can't have that. - you walked out of the room without giving the composer a second glance. Mozart just stood there dumbfounded. He is making you hate piano. What could you possibly say something like that, when he was just trying to correct your foolish mistakes. He didn't understand what was going on, let alone how you had the audacity to act that way to your teacher. His father and teacher was never kind to him. He always spoke with a stern tone and no matter what he accomplished, he was still a failure. And yet, his determination never wavered. So why, why did you have to walk away.

He could do nothing however. He sat there wondering why his little lamb would stray. Had he been to harsh? Did he scare you away? Out of the blue a beautiful melody hit his ear. The melody of a piano that didn't belong to him. Yet, it was as enticing as his. He could hear gentle rustling outside of the music room. He peeked out and found the rest of the residents slowly and quietly making their way towards your room. He stepped out and followed the rest of the group. They stopped at your door, witch was slightly ajar giving them a perfect view of the scene that spread out in front of their eyes. There you where. Sitting at the beautiful white piano. Your white dress fluttering around you because of the wind coming from the open window behind you. The silver rays of moonlight creating a halo around you as you played the sad, slow song. A song you created. A song that told a story of a girl, lost in the unknown. One who fought to do the right thing all her life, but somehow she was always deemed a failure. A girl who remains unnoticed by the man she loves.

Mozart was the only one who understood this melancholic melody. He cursed himself for being this harsh on her, for he can reciprocate her feelings. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was so caught up in the music he didn't even care to swat it away.

- You know Mo-kun- came Dazais familiar singsong voice- sometimes teaching isn't about correcting your students mistakes. By doing that you will kill the flower before it can even bloom. Sometimes you have to step aside and let the flower grow, only aiding it so it may blossom.- He smiled at him and let him go. Mozart will never admit it, but for once in his life, maybe, just maybe, Dazai was right.

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