Isaac x reader. Sickness and apple pie

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Before I begin I would just like to say thanks to  TheLegendofApple for requesting it! I love you, and feel free to request anything anytime you feel like it. Enjoy!

Warnings: death from sickness, stressed Isaac and fluff

Word count: 761, I went overboard

You woke up and instantly knew, something was wrong. Something felt off. There was this stiffness in your movements. But you brushed it off as it was time to get up and make the residents breakfast.

The odd feeling progressed throughout the day. By 5 o'clock you knew, you where sick. You felt dizzy and tired.
Sebastian noticed too, but instead of flicking your forehead, he gently urged you to go to bed. Reluctantly, after much reassuring and persuading on his part, you put down the dishes you where washing and made your way to your room.
As soon as you got there you collapsed on the bed, and you where out like a light.

Isaac noticed your absence at the dinner table that evening. He asked Sebastian where you where and he replied that you where sick and in your room. Isaac felt the color drain from his face. He didn't want to be dramatic or blow it out of proportion, but he couldn't help but think about how little medicine there is. His mind suddenly flashed back back to when he was a child.

He had been out with a friend of his, Edmund. They where both about 9. They went swimming and it was amazing. They returned late at night, much to both their parents displeasure. The next day, both of them woke up feeling sore. They had caught a cold.

Now colds weren't uncommon, but in some cases, due to the lac of medicine, it could mean death to the victim.

Luckily he healed after a couple of days. But Edmund wasn't so lucky. His fever went up and didn't want to go back down. He lay in bed, suffering for what seem to Isaac, forever. But the battle was lost, and sadly, after 2 weeks of suffering, he passed away in his sleep.

Isaac could not get over it. He cursed the doctors for not trying harder, even though he knew deep down, there was nothing they could have done. He had lost someone important that day and it made his fear illness and all that it brings.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Leonardo. The man gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Are you alright" While it was touching to hear that the man he looked up too worried for him, he had no time to celebrate.
"Yes. If you need me, I'll be in Y/n room" He started down the hall, but turned back" Please don't need me" He added and then turned the corner, disappeared from the Leo's sight.

He rushed to your room only to find you peacefully sleeping in you bed. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and made his way to her. He gently placed a hand on her forehead, and when he felt signs of a fever he let out a long sigh.

With shaking hands he covered you with a blanket and then darted out of the room,dead set on bringing you something to eat.

You where woken by the delicious smell of apple pie. You opened your eyes, only to find a very nervous and stressed Isaac sitting there. He was looking out the window and muttering.

"What do I even say to her? What if she thinks I'm a creep for watching her sleep? No I was just looking out for her. No that is still weird. What about the pie? What do I say? What do I do? Do I hand her the pie? Do I add something? And it I do what is it? I can't just say: surprise I got you pie! Or can I? ....."

You almost laughed as you watched the poor man overthink the situation. Yeah you might have been a jerk for not putting an end to his misery, but.....he was cute when he was nervous. After a couple of minuted, you gently placed a hand on his. His head immediately snapped to you.
"OMg how long have you been awake! I pie! I mean I pie got! No wait! I got pie!!!!"

You giggled at him and thought he felt very embarrassed, he still couldn't help but feel releved to see your warm smile again. 

You sat up and took the pie.
"So, since vampires can't get sick, want to share this peace with me?" You smiled at him, and really, who was he to refuse.


I really hope you liked it! Have a good day/night and stay safe!

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