Arthur x reader. A lot of options

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Hi everyone! Thank you fro requesting this  Lixin428 . Now I would like to address a few things. As you probably noticed I have been gone for a while (sry :( ). I have been on a 2 week vacation and I'm leaving for another couple of day this evening, (it's like 3:30 where I'm from). Anyway I would like to thank you all for you patience and Eloise, I hope this is what you where thinking of.

Warnings: none
Word count: 758

You weren't really scared of telling Arthur you are pregnant. You had talked about it before. So when the doctor told you, you where pregnant, you where over the moon.

You where walking home, thinking about ways to surprise your oh-so perceptive husband, when you passed a small bakery and an idea popped into your mind. You are going to make this into a little game.

That evening the plan was complete thanks to Vincent and Sebastian. They both insisted on helping since you told all the residents about your pregnancy, accept Arthur. Theo of course could not help the huge smirk that appeared on his face when he heard the front door open. Sometimes I'm convinced he likes to see his drinking buddy suffer.

Arthur waltzed in and all but sprinted to your room. After a long day of working on solving crimes, he was ready to relax. He flung open your bedroom door to find..nothing. He looked around, confused and a bit hurt. All of a sudden he noticed a small piece of paper that was sitting on his desk. It had his name scribbled on it in your handwriting. He opened expecting the worst, but instead he found something quite interesting. The note read:

                  In order to find the next clue you must go to this place
                                       Here's the clue: August, 07; rosebush; ring

Arthur thought about it for a few seconds, but then it clicked. August 07th was when you had your first date. The rosebush was what you two sat next to on your picnic. He, as cheesy as it was, had given you a promise ring. Shrugging he put his coat back on and left for the park.

Once there he decided to go to the exact spot you where on the date. And sure enough there was the little piece of paper telling him to go somewhere else.

This went on for a solid hour, and Arthur was pretty sure he had walked through all of Paris, but finally he arrived at his destination. A small bakery and cafe. Without hesitation he stepped inside

Sure enough, there you where. Sitting in a corner looking out the window. He walked up to you happily.
" Hello Luv! Bet you enjoyed making me run around Paris. Now, might I know why?"
You simply smiled at him and pulled out a paper bag, that contained the bun you bought a few minutes ago. You handed him the bag and waited.

He looked at the bag, then back at you, clearly puzzled. Why would you make him go around all the places you visited together and then hand him a bun? And the he remembered the last place he had to go to find the final clue. It was a tree next to the University Isaac usually visited. You promised the teach the kids with him and Napoleon. And the you bought up having kids of your own. It all clicked.

He looked at you with wide eyes.
"Y/n...are you trying to tell me that...." his voice trailed off and you could see him start to to tear up.
" Yes, Arthur, we are going to have a baby"

The biggest smile appeared on his face. He got up, walked over to you and pulled you into a big hug, peppering kisses over your face.
"Thank you Y/n." you couldn't help but giggle.
"But now!" he looked at you with a serious face "we have to decide what to call our little rascal. Now this is a mystery. There are so many options!"

You couldn't help but laugh at him. You married the biggest and sweetest goofball in the entire world. You zoned out as Arthur rambled on and on about baby names. All you could think about was that now, you where actually starting a family. The moment still seamed surreal. But you where convinced that no matter what happens, as long as you have each other, everything will be alright. 

"What about Alice. Alice is a wonderful name for a pretty girl. Or maybe Elizabeth, or Isabella or Marie. And if we have a boy we can name him Arthur Jr! You giggled
"We are not naming our child Arthur Jr."
"Fine...just Arthur" You laughed at his antics
"Well mister detective, what do you think of Louis?"
"Louis it is!"

He wrapped an arm around you and you both walked out of the bakery, exited for everything that will come.


Hope you enjoyed! I still take requests btw it will just take me a little longer at least for a few more days. Anyway have an amazing day or night wherever you are from!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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