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Sam's POV

Today is my first day at Eden hall and I'm pissed I wasn't supposed to go here the only reason I'm here is because my uncle got a job here as the JV 's new coach. He told me who was on the team, when I heard it was the ducks I was not happy

Orion: look your gonna be ok just because the team bullies you doesn't mean that the students will
Sam: yeah I know but I'm sick of their bullshit
Orion: hey language young lady
Sam: yeah sorry I'll see you after school bye

(Time skip)

Luis POV
I'm walking down the hallway to class and I see this tall girl about 5'9 with red and black hair, damn she fine as hell

Averman: hey who ya looking at
Luis: oh, um see that girl over there
I point to the girl with red and black hair
Averman: her?
Luis: yeah her, she's hot
Averman: you can't date her
Luis: and why not not
Averman: the team hates her
Luis: why she's beautiful

Averman: you see when Adam was still on the hawks him and these two other players Larson and McGill used to pick on Sam, that's her name btw, anyway when Adam joined the Ducks he still bullied her and everyone else joined in on it except me, and Guy
Luis: so I can't date her because Adam and Charlie don't like her?
Averman: yup

Luis: that is bullshit
Adam: what is  bullshit Luis?
Luis: oh um there's this girl I think I got I'm thinking of asking her out but I can't
Adam: why
Luis: Averman told me that these boys bully her and I'm friends with them so I can't

Adam POV
Wait is he talking about Sam Rows, what other girl in our school has red and black hair, I have liked Sam sense we were in 6th grade but I couldn't show my emotions because if I did she would get in the way of my getting a scholarship for hockey

Adam: I'll see you guys later
Them: ok see ya
I walk up to Sam and pull her in to an empty class room
Sam: Ahh
I cover her mouth
Adam: shut up bitch
Sam: what did I do this time Adam?
Adam: you did something alright
Sam: oh really what
Adam: one, Luis finds you cute, and two you go here now which mean me and the ducks will make your life living hell

Sam's POV

Why the hell does he care if I'm here or Luis likes me I mean I'm flattered but he's not really my type

Sam: why the hell do you care if I'm here Adam I've don't nothing to you ok and so what if Luis likes me it's a free country
I started to cry, and no one has ever seen me cry EVER
Sam: I get you don't like me and that's fine but when you have been bullying me sense the 3rd grade I'm sick of it I walk out of the classroom and go to my uncles office

Adam's POV
Wow I never knew she felt that way

Sam's POV( again)

I ran Uncle Teds office near the ice rink
Orion: Sam what's wrong
Orion: what did he do this time
Sam: He SaId NoW tHaT We g-go to the Sa-same school he-he'll make my life living hell
Orion: I'll have a talk with the team when practice rolls around ok?
Sam: NO, don't do that I don't need them to find out what your my uncle and I asked you to defend me


I finally posted yay, I know this was emotional but I promise that in the next chapter it will explain how Sam and Fulton became friends

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