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Omg guys 300 reads thank you all so much to be honest I thought this book would never get to 300 reads but is shows me that y'all like this book

Sam's POV

Wow last night like a dream it's finally over and now we can just chill at my place tonight

Orion: hey Sam I want to talk to you
Sam: sure ok what's up
Orion: well the ducks are going to be coming over tonight for a celebration dinner for being an undefeated team
Sam: your joking right uncle Ted
Orion: I'm afraid not kid but look you can have Dean, Julie and Fulton over tonight and you guys can have the basement and we'll be in the backyard deal?
Sam:fine but if one of them says something rude or arrogant I will lunge at them and DON'T try to stop me ok
Orion: ok kid

(Time skip to lunch)

Sam: so I was thinking that tonight we could hang at my place and if any of you say no so help me
Fulton: one, why do we have to hang at your house and  two why are you going to " kill us" if we say no
Dean: yeah I'm wondering the same thing
Sam; my uncle told me that the ducks are coming over to my place tonight to have some type of dinner and I got pissed but he said that you guys could come over if you wanted to
Julie: I have no problem with that but what if something happens like they insult you or us for instance
Sam: don't worry I have my uncles permission to bitch slap anyone
Dean: wait really he gave you permission, I don't believe that for one second
Sam: I know I'm shocked too

Adam's POV
Tonight the ducks are going over to Coach Orion's for a celebration dinner and to be honest I'm excited to see Sam, sure I might seem like I hate her but I've actually had a crush on her for the longest time and I think I'm gonna tell her tonight I've been nice to her for the past week

Connie: so what's everyone's opinion on going to coach's tonight?
Adam: I'm actually fine with it
Luis: really don't you and Sam like hate each other or something like that
Adam: well actually I've come to except that she's different and now that Julie is in the band I think we all should be nice to her now
Charlie: woah banksie where is this coming from literally just two days ago you were calling her a bitch for having Julie in her band
Adam: yeah I know but we all still like Julie right
I see that they all shake their heads
Adam: so if we're gonna be nice to Julie then we have to be nice to Dean, Fulton and Sam
The ducks: ok

(Time skip to Sam's house)

Sam's POV
My uncle told us that the ducks should be here any moment so we all went downstairs

Sam: I wish the ducks weren't coming over I don't need to hear Adam talk more shit about me
Fulton: isn't he gonna be next to your uncle for like 3 hours
Sam: yeah
Fulton: then you don't t need to worry he'll probably kick his ass if he talks shit or Dean would slug the guy
Sam: this is why I love having you and Dean as friends your so protective of me
Short chapter this time guys but the next chapter will be good I promise

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