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Time skip a few years later

Sam's POV
A lot has happened in the past 3 years since that day when we heard our first song on the radio, but let me catch you up to speed
Killjoys from Mars is an world famous band we just came out with out third  album called welcome to paradise, as far as people I went to high school with I forgot about them except for a few Kenny, Guy and good old Adam Banks, Adam is actually on the Anaheim Mighty Ducks NHL team but he still feels the need to talk shit about me any change gets

Fulton: yo Sam we have to get on stage if we want to end this tour
Sam: yeah let go
Dean: hold up we have someone we want you to meet
Sam: ok yeah who is it
Dean: Sam this is our old friend Jessie, Jessie meet our frontman of our band Sam Rows
Jessie: wait were you the girl Adam told me he had a crush on the the 7th grade
Sam: I'm sorry
Jessie: he has had the biggest crush on you since like the day you came to our school in what 3rd grade??
Sam: I'm sorry will you excuse me for a few moment, it was nice seeing you again Jessie
Jessie: yeah it was nice seeing you too Rows

I literally run from them to my dressing room and scream as loud as I possibly could

Julie: Sam are you ok?
Sam: do I look ok
Julie: so that's a no but Sam we have to be on stage in 20 minutes
Sam: I know I'll say that I'm fine but I'm not so we have to cancel the show I can't go out there
Julie: I'll go get Dean an Fulton

Julie POV
I literally run over to the boys

Julie: guys Sam is gonna lose it
Dean: what happened now
Julie: well when Jessie told Sam that Adam liked her she got scared and is now have a mental breakdown in her dressing room
Jessie: hold up why is she so scared that Adam likes her
Fulton: there are three thing on why she's like this
1.Adam bullied her in high school
Dean: 2. Adam had a kid with her ex best friend
Julie: and 3 Sam almost went mute and almost quit her music career when Adam practically embarrassed her all over social media
Jessie: wait Adam has a kid since when?

Fulton: we were juniors on he got Kelsey pregnant but she left him with the baby
Jessie: Damn I missed a lot of shit
Dean: yeah you did
Jessie: wait she doesn't know that he's here right
Julie: wait what
Jessie: yeah I had mentioned that I was coming here to see you guys and he said he wanted to come
Dean: fuck ok now Sam is gonna flip out
Fulton: we have to cancel the concert now Dean go tell them
Dean: on it
Adam's here oh shit Sam's gonna lose her shit we have to get her out of here

Adam's POV
I get to the concert and I call Jessie
( on call)
📞Adam: yo Jessie where are you?
📞Jessie: I'm with the band but they're gonna cancel the concert
📞Adam: why tho
📞Jessie: Sam just found out that you like her and I told her that you were gonna be here and now she is flipping out
📞Adam; she's still scared of me
📞Jessie: what the hell did you do to her while you guys were in school you fucked her up mentally
When Jessie said that it had me think
(Flash backs)

Adam: Come on Sam get off the stage we all know you can't sing

Adam: she's a slut and she's is she's a lesbian

Adam: she's an outcast just like the rest of her friends

( end of flash backs)

Omg I broke her mentally and now I'm practically paying for it

📞Adam: Jessie I'm gonna have to call you back
📞Jessie:ok man it was nice talking to you
📞Adam: yeah nice talking to you

I hung up on Jessie and run backstage and I run into someone I look up to see

Haha I left y'all on a cliff hanger, sorry I haven't posted in a few days but I start freshman year tomorrow and I found out that my bully is in my first hour and my best friend isn't in it with me so I have no mental support with me , but anyway I hope you all liked this chapter

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