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Before I start this chapter I would like to say two things one thx y'all for 800 reads and I am so grateful that y'all like this book and two this chapter is gonna be talking about Sam's past with Luis and how he was when he dated her so there will be a trigger warning when I talks abt it and if you don't feel comfortable with it I let you know when it's done

Sam's POV

Today is the day that I'm leaving for three months I'm so sad that I'm leaving Adam and  Ezra she's adorable and she loves me to death

Adam: hey babe what time does your plane leave
Sam: I think it leaves at 2:30
Adam: what time is it now
Sam: 10:30
Adam: ok you know I'm gonna miss your right
Sam: yes I know your gonna miss me and I know Ezra is gonna miss me too
Adam: why do have go so soon after we start dating
Sam: in my defense we've had this tour planned for months before you asked me to be your girlfriend

Adam: fine fine but please be dance ok
Sam: I will I have to get going
Adam: do you want me to drive you
Sam: actually they have a driver for me but don't worry i promise that when I get back I will give you the biggest kiss every ok
Adam: ok I love you
Sam: love you too

( Time skip two weeks later)

I've been away for Adam and Ezra for two weeks now, I miss them so so much

Julie: Hey Sam remember when you said you dated Luis during freshman year
Sam: yeah why
Julie: I've always wondered what happened between you two
Sam: Julie I've never spoke of this ever your very lucky to hear me talk about this

Flash back

Sam's POV

Me and Luis have been dating for three months but it is so toxic he flirts with other girls around me and he ....hits me bad I have to wear make-up at home when I don't want uncle Ted to see it and I'm so scared that hell like kill me or something I know if my uncle Ted knew about this he fucking kill Luis

Luis: sup bitch
Sam: hi babe
He makes me call him that but he still gets to call me a bitch
Luis: so I was thinking that the two of us could idk have a little fun this weekend
I know he means sex
Sam: sorry I'm busy this weekend
Luis: but baby you always say that
Sam: wait m sorry Luis but I have to do something for my uncle

Luis: you're cheating on me aren't you
He was actually cheating on me tho
Luis: you bitch you slutty bitch who is let me guess Riley
Sam: what no I'm not cheating on you I swear
Luis: you lying little bitch
*slap* he then grabbed my face
Luis: listen to me bitch I'm done with you you meant nothing to me

Flash back over

Julie: omg Sam I'm so sorry you had to go through that have have you not told anyone about this
Sam: I have to keep it a secret if anyone found out about it Luis would be dead and I don't need Fulton, Dean or Adam to put their hands on him
Julie: sam you have to at least tell a professional about this
Sam: Julie he's apologized about this multiple times but I've always said no so the memories don't come back

Yay I posted I'm sorry I haven't in a while but school is a bitch hope y'all liked this I'm thinking of ending this soon

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