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Julie POV

I am nervous to play in front of them especially Sam she can me rude sometimes and I've seen her get pissed so I k ow not to mess with her but this was her idea so come on Julie you'll do amazing and prove Adam wrong

Sam: hey Julie you ready
Julie: yes

( only listen to the first 30 seconds of the song )

Sam: see what I mean she's amazing
Fulton: hell yeah she is Julie welcome to The Killjoys from Mars
Dean: this is gonna be so cool now that I don't have to play bass
We all look at Dean
Dean: what?!
Sam: you could have told me that you didn't like it
Dean: well I'm sorry but your scary when your pissed am I wrong

Fulton: he does have a point Sam when you get mad we can't stop you from saying anything
Sam: that's because the only time you see me get mad is when I'm around Adam and Luis
Them: True
Sam: anyway Julie we have a gig on Thursday night at 7:30 do you think you could learn a few songs by Thursday
Julie: yeah I think so I mean it's Friday so I have 6 days and if we start now I have a better chance of being even better
Them: great

Sam's POV

It's Wednesday the night before our big show down at the Cabaret( I made it up) Julie has done amazing she caught on very fast

Sam: you guys ready
Fulton: hell yeah
Dean: yes I finally get to play guitar
Sam: good to hear dumb ass, how 'bout you Julie how are you feeling about tomorrow night
Julie: if I'm being honest I happy because I k ew I would get no where playing hockey and who k owe if we get famous for doing this I'm just glad it's with the three of you and not this Adam so he try's to steal the game from everyone
Sam: well shit , well I see you guys tomorrow at school ok I gotta go I promised my uncle I'd be home  to help him make dinner,
Them: bye see you tomorrow
Sam: bye

I'm walking back home and I see Adam Luis and a bunch of cheerleaders out side of the ice cream shop FUCK how am I gonna get past them shoot Sam think

Adam: hey Sammie get over here
I look up and see Adam calling me over to there table shit my ex best friend is there
Sam: yeah I'm good
Adam: no I insist come here I want you to meet my girlfriend Kelsey, Kelsey meet the girl that I tell you about with the red and black hair this is her
Wow she stooped low
Kelsey: I know who she is Adam
Adam: wait you two know each other
Sam&Kelsey: yup
Sam: she's my ex best friends we were friends for 8 years
Kelsey: yup that's true but Adam I stoped being friends with her because she told me she liked you
What that's not true she knows I only have my celeb crushes like Christian Bale

Adam: Sammie Rows had a crush on me huh who ever thought it
Sam: I don't like you Adam I'm a  bisexual and I only have a crush on one person at the moment
Adam: oh really who
Sam: Christian Bale
Adam: who?
Sam: how the hell do you not know who he is even Luis knows who he is
Adam:Is that true Luis
Luis: yes I'm the one who introduced he to Christian Bale movies and she's been in love with him ever since, hey Sam did you here he's gonna be in playing the Psycho from the book you like in the movie their making?

Sam: hell yeah I know I think he'll do great
Adam: what book is this
Kelsey: let me guess American Psycho?
Sam; yup that's the one
Adam: wow I didn't know you like horror
Sam: omg I love it i have posters all over my room of my favorite movies like Scream, lost boys and my personal favorite even tho it's not a horror movie Bill and Ted's excellent adventure
Kelsey: wait you still like that omg remember when we dressed as Bill and ted for Halloween in 7th grade
Sam: omg yes that was so much fun

Adam: Sam can I ask you something
Sam: if you promise not to be a dick about it and be nice to me for once yeah sure go ahead
Adam: I promise I won't but could your band perform at my Halloween party this year every one from school is gonna be there
Sam: I'll talk to Fulton and Dean but I really have to get going
I started to walk off but I remember that Julie is now in the band and I turn my head around to talk to him
Sam: oh and Adam I'll have to tell Julie ow sense she's the new bassist in the band

So I left y'all on a cliffhanger and I expressed my love for American Psycho, but I might not post for a while because I'm going to see Green Day in concert next week and that I have to start getting ready for school but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and this book 😁

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