✤-Soviet is anything but a good person

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TW: Mentions of child abuse, starvation, murder, and genocide. If you are not comfortable with any of this stuff, please leave this page. Now with that being said, let's get on with the rant.

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I have seen dozens of artwork, fanfics, and videos portraying the Soviet Union as a wholesome parent, the SaViOr of the eastern front, and one of the HeRoEs during WW2. But let me tell you, she is ANYTHING but those things. Men, women, and CHILDREN were SUFFERING under the government's iron fist and yet, despite all of that, people are like ' UwU USSR IS A HERO AND SAVIOR AND A GREAT PARENT! OwO IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE DIE!!!111!!!11'

+Proceeds to scream+

Ok, sorry for the ruckus. But still, to those peeps who are portraying her like this, have you heard of the Katyn Massacre or the Holodomor? Let me guess, the answer is no? Not surprised considering the fact that you most likely don't do research or pay attention in history class. Oh yeah, there is more! Innocent people were forced on freight trains to the gulags for no reason at all. And millions DIED only for her to be portrayed as a backstabbed, broken, person with a heart of gold. Her children are most likely traumatized.

What makes matters worse is the fact that people are simping for here. There are literal fangirls for this pile of dirt. Just WHY.

👏Stop 👏Protraying 👏The 👏Soviet 👏Union👏 As 👏A 👏Good 👏Person 👏


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