☽-Annoying CH tropes

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This was inspired by AutumniaSalem by the way, go give them a follow!


Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Estonia: *Exists*

Rusame Authors: Let's make them the "owo uwu younger siblings that Russia protects at all costs" because we can. The others will be mentioned once or twice and then thrown out of the window OWO


Neathernesia Authors writing a fantasy AU: Let's make Indonesia the missing prince and that he has the strongest powers ever because plot device!


(This is based on some actual books I read on Wattpad. If you somehow found the author of these books, please don't harass them)

Rusame Authors: Let's make a Warriors AU because why not!

Also Rusame Authors: *Gives the cats unrealistic pelts, ignores the existence of cat terminology, assumes queens are the leader's mate, always makes the leaders male, and ignores the existence of the warrior code*



・Highschool AU! (Includes Yandere, Magic Highschool, Tsudere, and your typical highschool AU)

・Fantasy AU where one of them is a prince!

・The one where Russia and America are forced to get along by the organizations!

・Omegaverse AU!

・A horribaly written Warriors AU!

・One where THE VILLAIN turns America into a pet animal that Russia just so happens to adopt!

Oh yah and the villain is either China, Japan, North Korea or all three! DEAL WITH IT SUCKAS!/j


Japan: *Is America's Girlfriend*

Rusame Authors: Let's make her annoying af and stereotype clingy people!


Mexico: Hey, I need a love interest aswell!

Rusame Authors: You can have a random hispanic country.

Mexico:*confused personification noises*


Third Reich: Oh no, I got captured! How do I escape?!

Soviet: I will murder you right now.

Third Reich: Screw that! He's so dreamy and hot!


America: I have depression, anxiety, and anorexia!

Russia:*walks into the room*

America: I'm cured!


Hungary: *Is cleary a better love interest that Germany*

Gerpol shippers: I see nothing!

(I'm done now)

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