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'You poor poor thing' 

a hand stretch out to touch a baby's face that was ice cold to the touch

'Yet to breath the fresh air and feel the sun your life was taken, and for what? For some experiment or you gave up too soon' 

the hand hold the child's check tenderly then heard a voice

  "Pl-e  -s Sa-v_T-hi-s Ch-ld,  -l-e _a -s Sa-ve -y Chi-ld." 

the figure put a finger on the Childs forehead 'I want to see how far you will go now im giving HER another chance since you gave up' 


Shit Im gonna be late!

I was running down the sidewalk to the bus stop. Muttering apoligises as i bump into a person or two, the toast in my mouth nearly slipping out a few times as i sturggle to not get my jaket caught on something. A pant as i see the bus stop just ahead. I nearly trip on a kid as i pick up speed, a skid against the ground as i crash into a pole that held up the bus stop. I pant heavily against it, not minding the few odd glances or looks my way as the bus comes to a halt infront of me.

I sluggishly walk into it, sighing in releif as i sit down. I finish my breakfast that somehow did not fall out of my mouth with a smile before a hand tapped me on the shoulder. As i look up i see a kid, maybe 17-16(?) looking down at me with a kind smile before jesturing to the empty seat next to me. I scoot over and allow the boy to sit next to me. I look out the window. In joying the scenery of the passing park, before noticing a car that was spinning and turning out of control with music blasting out of it.

I watched in horror as its uncharted course starts to head towards us. With a panicked yell i warned the bus about the car before pain was i felt. The pain was a burning sensation, i was barely able to regesture what happed because of my dazzy mind. One eye went blurry as a liquid was dripping into it, my hands was also soaked with the liquid.

I look around in a daze. The spring for the car wheel apperntly, and somehow, detached from the care and was now impanitrating me like that one scene for Frozen. I couldnt feel my feet and my breath was labourd abd i knew my life was slipping away. I looked over to the kid beside me, he looked at me with horror and fear. A few cuts, scrapes, and bruies was on him but he'll live. Wish i can say the same for me.

With heavy panting i comfortinly held his hand. Giving him comfort while giving me solace, I smile at him while whispering to him that he was going to be okay. Sirens where my last connection to the world before it all went dark for me.

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