Part 2 ΜΥδὦὀ®d ⚔⚔

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Its been a year since I have been here and I've picked up a few tricks suck as if you read a plain book with no title people wont now your not listening- oh wrong advise my bad- ANY WAY , 

The advice was if you stick close to power no harm is coming [at least not in broad daylight]. But who knew that I will such a have such a OP family. I am 2 years old now and its boring I have been practicing how to walk and god its embarrassing one time. I was holding my cribs footing while standing and I did all this prep and warm ups [ stretching ma knee's] then as soon as I turned around and my dads walking in, I twisted my ankle and damn it hurt and I feel down like my soul was suck out of me though i will admit my parents reaction was funny.

 I couldn't help but laugh which was a first cause I was bored most of the time and I only chuckled at my parents failed attempts to make me speak. There reactions were funnier and while my ma was worried about me, my dad was laughing. Well the punishment for that was a foot to the face and sleeping outside. But now I can walk or limp at least. Ma walks in and starts looking around for me.

3rd pov 

As Xie Lian look around for Y/n he soon hears a chair creak as he spins around he see's y/n perfectly standing and taking baby steps. You don't even need x-ray vision to see Xie Lian's Heart Melt at the sight. "SAN LANG!" Hua Cheng burst in the room "WHAT HAPP-" He see's Y/n walking her way [perfectly] towards him so adorably he's heart melt too. Y/n grabs both Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's  robe "Mama, Papa!ヾ(≧▽≦*)o(❁'◡'❁)." Xie Lian and Hua Cheng both collapse but Xie Lian gets up faster. "Yes! Its mama!" Lets say that day was a blast for everyone. [Even the nobles as Hua Cheng and Xie Lian was in a good mode]


Y/n pov

So im 5 years old and im on my way to see my dad cause he has a surprise for me. "Pa! where are you?" as i look around i saw not one dad in sigth but i saw a cloth on a table. i reach out to see it but my dad pop out of nowhere saying "BOO!" i jump up in the air clinging to the support pole. I glare at my dad who is slapping his knee, I can see a sevent looking at us like weirdos. As I climb down and m dad is sober from his laughter, My dad picks up the mystrious cloth and hands it to me "[N/N] its time you have your own sword". My eyes have stars in them.

Hua Cheng pov

As I give [N/n] her sword i sweat drop at the way she held it to chest like a mother clinging to her sick child which reminds me of the time Gege left his sword on the chair and [N/n] found it. We had to knock her out to barley get it out of her hands. 

Y/n pov

"Well what are you going name it?"  Asked mama who pops out of nowhere "Mama!" I run to his leg and cling on it. "Look what i got!" I showed my sword. "That's nice! What are you going to name it." ".... Fire storm [ 火風暴 ]" Words soon appear on my sword "Good job!" My mom claps for me while my dad just looks away "Ma, dads jelly~"

 Das turns his neck so fast i swear i heard a few joints break "NO IM NOT!" He yells with a bright blush across his face. "My lord.." My dad's blush disappears in a instant and looks at the servant "What?" "It's time for your meeting." "Oh i see well its best i get going."

My sword^

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My sword^

i hope someone noticed ma cover :[

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