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third pov

As Y/n ran to the pound holding Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli and Wei Ying hands,  Xie Lian looks at the Jiang couple. "I apologies for my daughters behavior." Xie Lian bows but in a small cavern of his heart he knew he didn't mean it. He returns to his norm and walk away from the porch.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli were shock Y/n was able to poke a thorn in their mother's side and get out unharmed. "So what do you want to do now?" asked Y/n, Wei ying who snapped out of his shocked said "I would like to change." Y/n looks at Jiang Cheng "Do you have any spare clothes?" 

Jiang Cheng blinks and nods as he walks towards his room Wei Ying follows but a bark inside made him fly up a tree 'Should I chase to dogs, probably cause we need the bond they had for the content' I chase the dogs into a distant corner  while  Jiang Cheng hands Wei Ying a pile of cloths "Hurry up or the dogs might get ya." I tease Wei Ying who then as fast as light had the cloths on of course it wasn't proper but he was rushed sooo.

I sigh as i chased the dogs out mush to Jiang Cheng's dismay. He then looked salty as he sulked in the corner. 


Me and ma where in our guest room, I look at ma sleeping with him shacking none stop even tho he has blankets. I grab his hand and hum a song   

i see a lantern on the bridge, with 3 people 1 holding the lantern while carrying 1 as the other is walking beside them . I look at mom to see him stop shivering then i snuck out through the window to see them nearing the middle of the  bridge and I decided to sneak up on them "Well, well ya'll having fun without me." I pout as i look away from the startled kids "W-we didn't mean to Childe Y/n." Jiang Yanli sweat drop at me.

I open me eye to see Wei Ying ankle throwing a fit. I sigh and did a jester 'come over here' to Jiang Yanli as i open my bag to grab my first aid.  Wei Ying hesitantly gave me his foot, I grab a ice pack and bandages. First I wrap the bandages around his leg then placed the ice one top. "There, now you wont have a limp in the future."  I joked as I back up.

"Wei Ying, . . . I SORRY I SHOULD'NT HAVE THERTENED YOU WITH MY DOGS IM SORRY! YOU GOT HURT CAUSE OF ME!" Jiang Cheng apologies as he banged his head on the wood on the bridge. "Jiang Cheng, its fine just don't do it again besides I survived didn't I?" Wei Ying joked as Jiang Cheng looked at him with a determination face "Every time a dog is near you I'll chase them away!" Jiang Cheng declared as he had a aura around him. "Ayaa, you guys are keeping me back from my beauty sleep." I yawn as Jiang Yanli sweat drop again.

"No one asked for you to be here." Jiang Cheng sassed. "Humph, if I didn't get up Wei Ying would have a infection which would make the healers have to chop is feet." I shot back. Wei Ying had tears in his eyes in fear of that happening. I look at Wei Ying and my eyes soften seeing his tears. "Everyone lets go back inside its getting cold." Jiang Yanli suggested as she moved to pick Wei Ying up "Oi, Wei Ying." Wei Ying looks at me "Not just Jiang Cheng will protect you. I will protect you too and together me, you, Jiang Cheng" Jiang Cheng looks at me. "Jiang Yanli." She looks at me too.

"We Will Rule The World." 

I had stars in my eyes as they soon followed. "RIGHT!" They shout as we began our walk back to the main estate[?] 

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