Chapter 21

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Stiles and Lydia started off with small talk, Lydia was so excited she couldn't really comprehend anything, let alone think of something to talk about. She turned on the radio to ease the silence. A familiar song sounded in his car.
" Oh my god, do you remember this song?" Stiles grinned.

Lydia remembered then how she knew that song. It was the song they had slow danced to at the winter formal.
" Ah, yes, it's such a good song."
" Yeah, definitely."
The winter formal felt like forever to both of them, they couldn't even imagine the fact it was only two years ago. So much was different back then. They listened to the song.

Finally Stiles brought up what had been in his mind for awhile. Ever since their second kiss, he wondered what Lydia meant by him being oblivious. Well, he knew sometimes of course he was, but he was still curious of what she exactly intended.
" Lydia, what did you imply when you said that I'm so oblivious?"
Stiles' fingers tapped the steering wheel. Lydia turned her head away from the road and looked at Stiles. Her heart swelled, she didn't know what to tell him.

" I, uh, was talking about how you said you thought I would say no to going to the prom with you." Lydia stuttered, she was almost embarrassed to tell him the truth.
" I know that, but why am I oblivious for saying that?" Stiles asked.
" Stiles, why on earth would I say no? You're one of my best friends."
" I mean, I guess it was just instinct. I've been afraid of asking you out for ten years now to not have to deal with the humiliation of rejection." Stiles pointed out.
" Okay, I'm sorry I've ignored you all these years, I was being a shallow snob. Although don't you think the roles have kind of changed lately." Lydia blurted out. There it was.
" Wha- what do you mean, do you know how many times we've hung out this month?" Stiles said confused.
" Yeah, but what about before that? Your tongue was so far down Malia's throat all the time you never payed attention to me. I needed you! My best friend died, and I wanted to talk to you about it. Instead, you ignored me and went on dates with her. I was happy for you, you know you got your first girlfriend, but I kind of thought we had something. However, you threw it all away for a girl you hooked up with in the insane asylum."

The words flowed out of Lydia's mouth, as if she had practiced and memorized what she would say for months.
Stiles stared at Lydia in complete shock, Lydia thought in that moment they would sure get in an accident. Luckily, they didn't. His eyes stayed on her, " Lydia, I'm so sorry, I didn't have any idea. I never thought you saw me that way, though?" He swallowed gaining his breath.

" I'm sorry I wasn't as confident with you as I was with Aiden, for instance. I don't know, I just never felt like this about somebody. It scared me, especially because it was a feeling for the most unexpected person. I didn't know what to do." Lydia spoke with so much heart.

" Lydia, I had the same feeling. I guess I never told you for the fear of rejection, as well." Their eyes were locked.

" Stiles, all this time you were with Malia, I became more upset. It made me miserable thinking I lost you, and seeing you happy with her. I thought I missed my chance. I tried to push my notions away, but they just got stronger. I thought you didn't love me anymore. I just wanted you to notice me." Lydia felt tears well up in her eyes. Good thing she was wearing waterproof mascara.

" You know, this world is a vast place; filled with billions of different faces, even through all these years and all these people, the same person has stuck to me. It's you, Lydia, I've waited so long for you. That can't just go away. I love you, it's true, I really love you, Lydia, and I notice you, I notice you everyday." By the time he finished his words they were parked in lot of the school. They heard the faint sound of music pounding from inside the school.
Then, with the impulse, Stiles put his hands on both Lydia's cheeks and started to kiss her. It was a long, beautiful kiss. Stiles felt tears roll onto his thumbs, and then pulled away, although they were still face to face. He wiped away her tears with his thumbs, and she smiled,
" I love you, too."

She put her head into his shoulder, and they stayed like that for a bit. Just together in that moment, both relieved all their emotions were set free. Stiles was so relieved hearing those words coming out of her mouth, as well as not believing he had said it as well. It felt right, he knew he did love her. If he had to think about it, and was confused, Stiles would know he didn't, but Stiles knew. He felt it in his heart. He loved Lydia so much.

" Well, I think we should go in there." Stiles rubbed the soft skin on her back.
" Don't wanna be late." She started to laugh more and once more she
rubbed her fingers under her eyes, getting rid of her tears.
" Lets go to prom." Stiles opened the door, ran over to Lydia's side, and held out his hand. He shut her door for her, and they walked in sync to the doors. In that small car ride the sky had already become a navy blue.
Lydia saw lights flashing from the small windows.

Stiles slowly opened the doors, and they entered the extremely decorated school. A bunch of kids were hanging out outside the actual gym, where the prom was taking place. They handed in their tickets to the kids who had the booth right outside the prom. Lydia braced herself. She was so happy she had Stiles beside her, holding her handing, keeping her so close, so much that when he asked her, " you ready?"
She replied with no anxiety at all,
" Of course I am."

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