Chapter 8

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' It's alright, I know you are only trying to keep an eye out for me. I know I made a mistake too.' Lydia replied right before Stiles was going to fall asleep. He smiled at the words spread across his cellphone screen. He was relieved she didn't ignore him, and wasn't angry with him. Also, she was double thinking about Parrish.
• • •
When Stiles walked into school the next day, he found Scott descending from the staircase, he met up with his best friend and they walked to they're lockers.

" Did Kira tell you about Lydia?" Stiles figured he should tell Scott since he would also definitely not muse the idea of Stiles' fathers worker dating Lydia.
" No, what happened?" He turned to face Stiles.
" She has been seeing Deputy Parrish for a few weeks now." Stiles said as he put his combination into his lock.
" Is it serious?" Scott's eyes widened.
" Of course not, they fondle each other
in the storage room of the station."
Scott sighed, " well I would've been not that upset if it was serious and consensual."
" I still would've been pissed off to be quite honest." Stiles tugged his locker open and grabbed his english binder.
" Well, yeah, it's you." Scott scoffed.
" What does that mean?" Stiles slighty shook his head and raised his eyebrows.
" It means, you're Stiles, she's Lydia. You were obsessed with her for like a decade?" Scott grinned.
Stiles made a obvious fake sarcastic laugh.
• • •
" Wait, so Peter is your father?" Isaac asked laughing.
" Yes. I was not very happy finding out a psychopathic werewolf was my actual dad." Malia nodded her head.
Lately Malia and Isaac have been talking a lot, they got on really well, they were both really alike.
" So... what class do you have next?" Isaac questioned.
" Ugh, math. It's actually insane. Lydia always helps me study so I've been keeping up with an average of a B- though." Malia leaned her head against her locker.
" It makes no sense whatsoever." Isaac said.
" I know right? I hate it so much!" She almost screamed.
" Are you going to a college out of town?"
" No. I'm going to a local one. I'll be staying here with Scott. Kira is a little bit farther out then California. Stiles' is really near Lydia's. I forget where everyone else is going. But I'm attending an art college."
" It's kind of sad, thinking of everyone separating. Not even everybody made it." Isaac shook his head.
Malia heard the stories about Boyd, and Aiden, and Erica, and Allison. She hated that she never knew any of them. Sometimes she feels so outcasted in the group.

" So I guess since you and Stiles are dating now, he lost that giant crush on Lydia?" Isaac tried to lighten the mood. He unfortunately did not.
"...What?" Malia made a curious expression.
" You know, he was in love with her for like 8 years or something, didn't anyone ever tell you?" Isaac had regret on his face.
" No? What happened between them?"
" We don't know. They were so close, they looked as if they were dating but they weren't, and then you came along and he just stopped."
" I stopped their relationship?"
" No. He probably just realized Lydia would never like him back. Oh, that sounds bad saying out loud. I, I don't really know." Isaac sputtered, " I have to get to class." He was off.
Malia had a terrible feeling at the bottom of her stomach, it was a mix of jealousy, pain, and sadness. The back of her throat ached, she felt like there was lump in it.

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