Chapter 11

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Stiles received a text from his father, asking if Stiles could drop off some food at the station because he was out all day and is now starving.
Stiles replied with a sure, and then asked Lydia if she wanted to come and then he would drive her home.
Lydia said okay. Stiles decided to get healthy food, so him and Lydia quickly ran in a delly and bought three freshly made turkey sandwiches.
• • •
When they arrived at the station, the sheriff hadn't arrived back yet. So they sat beside each other in the waiting chairs, munching on their sandwiches.

" This is actually really good." Lydia nodding her head.
" Plus it won't give you high cholesterol." Stiles pointed out.
" Very true." Lydia started to giggle.
Then Stiles' father pushed through the doors and entered, and lit up at the sight of Stiles and Lydia. Stiles raised his eyebrows, and jumped up to give his dad the still cold sandwich.
" Thank you guys, I'm literally go to faint if I don't have any food. I haven't ate anything since six this morning." He huffed out and took the sandwich, quickly unwrapped it from it's plastic wrap, and took a huge bite.
" No problem pops." Stiles patted his father on his shoulder.
" Well, we better get going, I have to drive Lydia home." Stiles said.
The sheriff said farewell to the two of them, while Lydia wished Stiles' father a nice day. Stiles guided Lydia out of the station, touching her back with his right hand. Right before they left the building a man tapped Lydia's shoulder, asking if he could speak to her. It was Jordan Parrish.

Lydia looked at Stiles, and then said yes, looking a little bit uncomfortable.
They walked over to an empty corner of the room, and he proceeded to tell her he was sorry. That they never should've gotten into this mess. Stiles could overhear them, and naturally listened to the conversation without noticing.
Parrish told Lydia he was a fool, and he was too old, and it was maybe a big mistake. He told her he should find a nice boy her own age, who wouldn't get in trouble for being with her, and whom she could spend time publicly with.

Lydia agreed. Stiles saw Lydia nod her head, she said they did make a mistake, and that it could've never been something real.
Stiles smiled, Jordan had listened to him. Lydia had listened to him.
Lydia came back and joined Stiles, and they walked back to his blue jeep, that shined brightly in the sunlight.

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