Part 5

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"🅸'🅻🅻 make a deal with you two. You don't interfere with my drinking, and I'll stay sober enough to help you." Dennis spoke up, his hands on each of Aries and Estella's shoulders. "Is that fair?" Estella is somewhat cautious of the man, glimpsing behind her from time to time while Aries isn't bothered by it. He is going to find his method of survival even without Dennis and Iphigenia. "You'll have to do exactly as I say. About everything."

The lunch continues as if nothing had just transpired previously, Iphigenia is the only one trembling like a Chihuahua at the event. Dennis has not touched his alcohol, preferably sticking himself with caffeine. "When we get to the Capitol, you'll be put in the hands of stylists who'll prepare you for your presentation. Their work is vital."

Aries ridicule not appreciating the thought of having to be a doll, being all clothed up and bestowed off too. Estella nudges him, motioning him to just follow the lead. Dennis caught how uncomfortable the male was with the approach but spoke nothing of it while Iphigenia was extremely delighted as her brain filled up with the idea of costumes.

"The best-looking tributes get the most sponsors. Sponsors are my only means of helping you once you're in The Arena. Understood?" The two didn't respond to that, which is when both the pair saw something out the window, a landmark, recognizable to them. It's Chicago. Or what used to be Chicago. Across Lake Michigan, they see the skeleton of a city. Decayed, lifeless. An empty ghost town.

"Now, now, children. Eat up!" Iphigenia shoves more food down to Aries's way seeing as the male had a more generous appetite, essentially dispensing Estella sweetened food as she had a sweet tooth. Both chose to ignore what they had just seen and converge plentiful on their health for the future battle.

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After hours and hours, Estella and Aries stood by each other side, both conversing on a random subject, sometimes intentionally snubbing Dennis but not Iphigenia as she was too soft and would easily cry a river. They've just pulled into The Capitol, and it is dazzling. Aries tries to hide his awe, but it's an effort to do so. Wealth and excess. Splendor.

Even at this train station, Estella did find everything zinging but couldn't help her anxiety flow in her mind. Everything gleams, overly bright, and the colors look like candies. Appealing music drifts through hidden speakers, the citizens here are well-dressed and well-fed. And attentive. The crowd had stopped and waved at them as the arrival of a Tribute Train was a very influential deal around here. Adults, and kids, waving at them.

Currently, in Estella's room, the male insisted on just pestering her and just wouldn't leave her side. As they stared through the window of the train, both couldn't find themselves to wave back. "Should we put up an act since we're already here? For sponsors," she mumbles, though knowing Aries understood her clearly, turning her attention as they lock eyes. He holds a not-delightful look while Estella refrains emotions, "Sponsors? We're practically a toy, aren't we?"

She presented him with a modest smile, but he didn't categorically. Aries refuses the idea, just not happy with life right now. Intertwining their hands for encouragement the other advanced and waved back, accommodating the most competent professional smile they could.

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Moments later, Dennis and Iphigenia lead the two junior celebrities through the station. Feels like another planet to Aries, concealing his negative emotions and being careful to not let them show. They pass a virtual newsstand and one face appears on dozens of I-Magazines: 'Seneca Crane - the genius behind the Hunger Games.'

Something reports the two to study this face, glancing at each other before backing onto the road, as they were led out of the train station. Well doing so, a girl passes by. She was around Estella's age with two healthy parents, clean hair, a poodle on a leash, and an ice cream cone in her hand. Licking happily. "What's that?" Estella spoke with curiosity, wanting the food the girl was licking, Aries took a peek too as he hadn't seen such food.

Dennis frowned, understanding now just how poor and in bad condition his fighters used to be. As for Iphigenia she was about to giggle presuming Estella was making a joke but scanning the expression thoroughly, she almost cried, "It's ice cream. I'll bring you some later."


A woman named Venia yanks a strip of wax off Estella's leg. She is naked, soundless, and surrounded: eyebrows plucked by a man named Flavius, nails shaped by a portly woman named Octavia, and each with that same pitched Capitol accent.

Estella didn't bother saying anything, letting them do their job as quickly as possible for her to leave and gather back with Aries. She didn't like being alone, now that Aries had grown a great bond with her, being her very first friend yet. "You're doing very well! If there's one thing we can't stand, it's a whiner! You and your partner are everyone's favorite."

She doesn't reply, she hasn't said a word in hours. The two, Octavia and Flavius began a conversation among themselves about Estella as their voices filled the room but she continued to drown them out, "She's also fun to prep! She's gorgeous! Have you looked at those eyes!"

"I know! And those white teeth!" / "She has the perfect figure everyone adores! And her partner! Those muscles!" They burst into squeals before focusing back on Estella, asking her to sit up straight. "We'll go get Poppy for you!" They vanish. Now, alone and naked, grabs a silk white robe.

Then she remarks, that she's being watched, snapping her head above, there three stories above this room, visible through its glass ceiling, fifteen people look down at her from an interior balcony, each of them sipping a cocktail. "Perverts." she mutters. These people are the game makers, studying the Tributes in each Prep Room without expression, Estella notices that Seneca is not among them.

She eyes them, utterly unnerved. Afraid, until, "How despicable we must seem to you."

Standing in the doorway is Poppy, she seems to be in her late 20s. She seems decent, and unaffected, even in her voice. Unlike Iphigenia, Poppy seems more laid back and aware of everything involved, but Estella continues to be wary. "The rumors are right. You're gifted with beauty. It seems like I don't need to do much."

Poppy enters and hits a button. The top of a table splits in two and another huge meal appears; Estella won't react to it. "I'm Poppy, Estella. I'll be your stylist, which means I'm here to help you survive. Are you hungry?"

 Are you hungry?"

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