Part 6

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰 gazes down at the food, her mind is going wild and she needs a shoulder. She was starting a panic attack, it's been a while since she had them. Mr. William or Susan would usually be there, but in this situation, she could only be reliant on Aries. But he isn't around nor is Iphigenia or Dennis. So she spoke her truth to Poppy, "I'm scared."

That came out reflexively, shocking Poppy as Aries and Estella seem like a tribute that doesn't break easily. Feels touched by it. "I know." She gave smiles warmly, which holds many motivations and genuine feelings in it. That fast, trust begins to grow between them. "How are you stuck with District 5? I saw your face, seems you're popular for attending the upper district."

"They lack imagination. Estella, I asked for your district. I wanted the challenge." She might just be sincere, the most human-like person Estella had met in her eyes other than Dennis and Iphigenia who is slowly showing part of it. She knows she can trust Poppy and give her permission as the woman holds no to such bad intentions.

They sit, facing each other now, "I have an idea, but it's going to require you to trust me a little. Are you afraid of exposure, Estella?"

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The scene changes, it is currently night, and the stars shine brightly along with the moonlight. Aries currently wearing an article of simple clothing like tunics, boots, and cloaks in the color of dark crimson red. With the animal skin of a tiger, maybe a lion that lays effortlessly on his broad shoulder. Half of his chest is exposed for view, his hair messily wet and his sea-blue eyes are dressed in black makeup to dispense a sharp look, not that needed since the male has a vicious look already.

Aries was dressed up like a spartan ready for war. And he suits the image well.

"Will you come out? It's not that bad. Sure, it exposes more skin than needed." Aries is trying his best to persuade Estella from behind the chariot. Truthfully, he is curious about her outfit design.

A soft sigh can be heard, he grinning as he had won and finally made Estella step out from her hiding. She vigilantly stood up, awkwardly fiddling with her fingers while avoiding his eyes, however, Aries didn't move his. He is star-struck with her.

She is draped in soft pink Greek goddesses' style, Aphrodite even, it undoubtedly fits well with her form and beauty. A soft silk material loosely on her chest with a rose gold pin holding it on her right shoulder while on her left arm the silk with down to her wrist slackly. Her bare right arm is embellished with gold pieces of jewelry.

Due to her figure, her breast line and cleavage are explicitly shown. Her cute tummy is exposed, and another piece of the identical color of the material that covered her top is pinned on her side's hip on the left with another golden rose, it drapes down until her ankle, with a huge slit that if she were to even walk casually, both her leg would be revealed.

She wore a gold ring on her thigh and wore a Greek sandal the sole attached to the foot by interlaced straps crossing the toes and instep, and fastening around the ankle. Estella didn't wear much makeup but what was obvious was the fake freckles that soften more of her features.

"It feels weird. Do I look weird?" Aries finally went back to reality thanks to her voice, faking a cough so it doesn't seem as if he was gawking at her. "It's fine. You look gorgeous." He pinched himself as he could feel himself falling for her spell, yelling out with a slightly shaking tone, "Where the hell is Poppy?!"

They stand by their chariot, with four horses up front. Around them, there are other chariots with their tributes, around a corner into the bright lights of a street outside. Estella and Aries weren't stupid by the attention they gain, some tribute stares at them, declaring them enemies now, and some stared at them with amusement.

Estella would understand the first part, but not the second, though if she had to point fingers. She would guess it would be because of Aries's lack of interest and her volunteering before the name was called out.

Aries stops checking out Estella who was busy remembering the faces of the tributes when he senses a more unusual look on them, almost as if studying them. Turning to meet the gaze of the famous District 12 tributes with both their designers, Poppy and Cinna. He smirks at them, somewhat like challenging them to which Katniss is not pleased while Peete looks worried. "Found her."

Estella snaps her head in Aries's direction, before to where the male's eyes are laid upon. Takes a step ahead to reach Poppy with Aries along her side but imminently halts which confuses him. "You alright there, princess?" She stares down at herself, ignoring him. With each step she took, it felt colder underneath her, signaling it was showing more skin than she had foreseen. Turning beside him with her hand reached out, "Give me your skin."

Aries tilts his head, biting his lips to conceal the laughter, "I, unfortunately, don't have a peeler. But if I did, I would gratefully peel off my skin for you, love." She rolls her eyes at his teasing, taking in a big sigh, "I meant the animal skin, you doofus." He of course knew that, but the reaction she makes is just so fun to tease her.

Taking off the skin from his shoulder to be given, Estella swiftly covered it around her hip so at the very least her thick thigh wasn't shown before recommencing her walk to Poppy with a chucking Aries who chose to disregard her warning glare.

Poppy and Cinna took notice of the new presence, greeting them with a sweet smile, the two pair of District 5 noticed the closeness of their designers, too close to just being called 'friends'. "Oh, honey why are you covering up? You look amazing", Poppy spoke with a motherly tone.

"Yes, especially from the back." Aries imminently gets two hits, one from Estella on his bare abs, the other from Poppy in a stern manner but he enjoys it with a burst of booming laughter.

" Aries imminently gets two hits, one from Estella on his bare abs, the other from Poppy in a stern manner but he enjoys it with a burst of booming laughter

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