Chp:1 | Best friends

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[A/N: So this is my first book I guess you could say, I'm not new to writing stories nor am I at a professional level. I'm a bit bad a spelling and grammar so if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please fell free to point them out. I would also love it if you guys comment in general, I can't promise consistent updates but I'll try, with that said let's get into it.]


Dream and Technoblade have been rivals since forever, always trying to prove which ones better than the other. They fight all the time and are like complete opposite to each other, well when it comes to personality.

Dream has always been hard headed and power hungry, always losing it and taking exaggerated actions when things don't go his way, at least that's what most people say. He dose anything he says his going to do whether good or bad, but his is often misunderstood.

Technoblade or Tecno for short is no different he is always perceived as some kind of murder machine and is often treated like one, he mostly like to be alone and despite his actions he doesn't, well almost doesn't really like to kill all the time, he would rather spend time with the people he loves, like his family, friends and ...Dream...

If you were to ask anyone eals what Dream and Techno's relationship is or how they feel about each other they would most likely reply with something along the lines of;

"oh they definitely hate each other they are always fighting"

"What kind of questions is that their fucking rivals the even say it themselves"

"They hate each other"

"Putting those two in a room together is practically a starter of chaos"

While those are reasonable answers they can't be further from the truth, you see Dream and Technoblade have known each other since they were born, and got along pretty well. They were the closest of friends and did everything together they were practically inseparable.

"Hey Tecno!" A young boy with blonde shout running towards the pink haired male that was walking up to him.

He soon jumped on the pink haird male when he was close enough making them fall on a soft patch of flowers that surround them rolling around a bit.

The blonde laughed while the pink haired boy sat up dusting him self off. "What the hell Dream I tould you to stop doing that you could get yourself injured you know"

"Yeah yeah fine I get it" the boy says while also sitting up not bothering to dust himself off and scouted his way to sit in front of his friend.

"Guess what I got you something today" The blond said pulling out a white box with a red ribbon tied around it.

"Oh what is it" The boy in front of him ask looking at the box then reaching for it grabbing it and pulling it to his lap.

"So remember when you said that you liked my mask and thought it was really cool?" The blond said a bit quickly "Mhm.."

"Well I dicide to get you one but I didn't have enough money to buy one so I dicided to just make one for you" he said excitedly as he presents his friends with a box opening it to show his friend the mask inside.

"It may not be as good as you would like it to but but I worked really hard on it and I hope you like-" He was cut off by his friend who was now hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much I love it" he said letting go fo his friend and picking up the mask from the box and wearing it.

It was a pig looking mask made to cover half of the face which fitted Tecno tho it was a bit big so he could grow into it.

Everything was perfect for them they had each other and needed nothing eals, noone eals, nothing was going to tear them apart. Well...'That's what they hoped'

End prologue

[A/N: That's it for the protolog for a little more context this is going to be a ghost Dream AU, I have already planned out how the his going to be a ghost and everything befor that but I'm not sure what comes after so that might be a bit of a problem but it shouldn't be to hard to fly by. But anyways Baiiiiii¡¡¡¡¡¡!]

Instagram: Ali_liya

757 words :)

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