Ch:8 | The Visit

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[A/N: Ok, for this chapter I'm going to put a bit of Quackity X Sam (a bit of toxicity will be there, Sam's going to be a bit abusive to Quackity)just because I realized things have just been either fluff or angst and I would like to spice things up a bit in the smut department. <PS. I haven't been keeping up on the loor so I don't really know how things are and how people houses are, so I'll just be making things up from here on out.> looked it up just to make sure but this is a legal ship, Sam is 26 and Quackity is 22 so its legal. I don't really ship this, but I just wanted something to advance the plot of the story a little so oh well.]


Phil's POV

Me and Ranboo have been on the walk for a while we've made it to the outskirts of the city, I look back at the city "Things are much different now than they were when Dream was in charge" I muttered, " They're not that different" Ranboo chirps, "at least in terms of looks it's just that there are a few less people than they used to be and there are a few new commers." 

"Despite that, things have changed a lot I mean how has it not, we have a whole new government now and techno is no longer here, dream is not here, every one's attitude and personalities have changed a lot too especially Tommy's ". I say turning around to keep a move on things. 

"But how can you blame him after all that has happened with dream and how he manipulated him", Ranboo speaks up once again, "His very strong I can't think of what I would have done if I was in his situation" he finishes. 

"I don't blame him i was just pointing out how much he had changed and is now a lot gloomy than he used to be" I sigh, "follow me I think I see the cave over there". I say to Ranboo as I start to walk at a much faster pace to reach the cave faster. "I just wish that things would go back to the way they were" I whispered under my breath, as we finally approach the cave.  


Sam's Pov

I walk up to the door Quackity's house in a rage. I didn't even bother to knock and just let myself in. I've been here a couple of times and have the keys to the house. "You better fucking be here!" I yell looking around the house for Quackity.

I entered his bedroom to find him half naked trying to get dressed quickly. I rushed towards him and grabbed his arm harshly then pulled him towards the bed, pinning him down "why didn't you fucking answer me!" I yelled at him.

He seemed surprised at first but then said with a bit of a grin "I was trying to get dressed, but since your here guess I don't need to~".

"Don't start with that bull shit you know why I'm here bastard!" I yell,
"Oh, but I don't, would you like to explain~" he said sounding even more flirty. "Don't freaking toy with me! why didn't you tell me anything!?" I said pushing him back down as he tried to get up.

"I just didn't think you needed to know during your precious vacation" he said causing me to snap, I slapped him and placed my hands next to his head. "DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW SERIOUS THIS IS !?" I was fuming at this at this point.

"It was my job to watch him and now his fucking gone! Who knows what he could be plotting n-" I was cut off by chipped and scarred lips pressing against mines for a solid minute. "Calm down I understand how serious this is but trust me I think I might know where he is."  I stayed quiet but frowned my brows. "I'm planning to bring it up in the upcoming meeting for this case it's in a week."

"Why so long, why not tomorrow." I say now calmed down a bit. "They need enough time to gather up evidence, files, e.c.t. that's why, also...", He wraps his arms around my neck "...that means I have more time to welcome you back" he says closing the gap between both of our lips.


[A/N: Ok, with that this chapter is over, I actually loved writing this one it was pretty fun and I was able to think of a ending for this story that I thinks leaves room for your own imagination to determine how you things ------ ------ ---- -- ------ -- ...Opps almost spoiled the ending of the story silly me..  But accidental spoiling aside do ya'll actually want a smut scene between Sam and Quackity? I wasn't planning on it before but if enough people ask/I change my mind I might do it for the next chapter or sum, idk yet :/ 

Anyways Baiiiiiii!!!!!!!! :']

Anyways Baiiiiiii!!!!!!!! :']

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Instagram: Ali_liya


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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