Chp:5 | Leave me

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[Hellow again this was made in such a hurry it's not even funny, I tried my best to add some fluff but I don't know if I did it properly, so I hope you like this :]


"It's pretty late you should go back to sleep" Techno said breaking the silence, "oh-oh yeah right" Dream said stuttering a bit looking down.

Techno taking a notice of this asked him "What's wrong?", Dream looked up at Techno, "oh I was wondering if I could get a different set of clothes this aren't really that comfortable"

"Oh right there's some in the bathroom you should probably take your bath while your at it" Techno replied, Dream just nodded and tries to get off the bed.

When he stood up he quickly fell to the ground grabbing the edge of the bed as support. "Are you ok!"Techno said as he hurriedly went over to Dream.

"Nhg..I should be fine" Dream said trying to get up again but Techno stopped him, "No your not" Techno sighs "why don't I carry you there and handle the rest"

Techno then lifted Dream up carrying him to the bathroom. Dream was a bit startled and immediately started to complain but soon calmed down, when they got to the bathroom Techno placed Dream on a stool that was in the bathroom.

He then turned on the water to the bath and placed some clothes next to it. "You know I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very much" Dream complained.

"Yeah yeah sure tell that to me why you not constantly falling over from walking" Techno scuffed, "tch, whatever.." Dream replied.


"Hey Dream what do you want to eat" Techno asked,'nearly out might have to go hunting for more..' he thought examining some food stuffs in his hand.

"Oh umm anything will bye fine" dream replied, he was sitting on a chair in the dining room wearing some black shorts that you could barely see under the oversized pink hoodie he was also wearing.

Dream's POV:

Techno the looked at me for a brief second before continuing what he was doing saying "Well I'm planning on going hunting so I can get more meat, that might take awhile so I'm going to have to leave soon and since you can't come with me--- -------- ---"

'!?!?...H-he has to leave..w-wait why am is so triggered by it ofcourse his going to leave..h-his going to leave me..just like everyone else...o-ofcourse he would..everyone else has..why wouldn't he..'

3rd POV:

Dream was lost in thought, all those months in the prison had cause some predictable mental effects to Dream, though he was naturally an over thinker the time he spent in prison only worsened it.

But then again- 'Crying? Is he crying?' Techno thought, but before he could say anything or even react they started to act up.


Awww is Dreamy sad what did you do?

Why the fuck is he crying?

I have all my fingers and the knife hose chop chop chop~

Why can't you ever shut up

Both of you shut up were trying to figure something out here.

Wait...what were we doing again

Ugh! You're all useless

...umm w-why dont we just a-ask him



What are you an idiot!?

Yeah he'll never tell us




Shut up!


'Ugh what are they like this, but their right why is he crying. Did he suddenly remember something or did I say something wrong or...' Techno thought.

'What should I even do right now...maybe I should do that hugging thingy, his always happy when he dose it so it's worth a shot* Techno sighs and walks over to Dream.

"Hey Dream" Techno said now next to Dream, Dream looked up to Techno a bit Techno then wrapped his hands around Dream embracing him in the process.

Dream then hugged him back crying a bit more, after a while Dream had 'fallen asleep..great might as well get going' but when Techno tries to let go of Dream he felt him just pull him back not wanting to let go.

"Then again I can just do that (hunt) another time and just bake some potatoes" Techno then lifted Dream up wrapping Dream's legs around his waist resting Dream's head on his shoulder, then carrying him to his bedroom.

On his way their Tecno looked down at the sleeping blond in his arms admiring all his features, *sigh* 'I wonder why he was crying'


[I'm a bit pissed by how short this is ngl but then again it's currently 1:20 AM and I'm very hungry so I'm currently running on Insomnia and water (〒﹏〒). I'm also not rereading this cause I'm to tired so please fell free to point out any mistakes. Anyways Bai¡¡¡¡¡!!!!]

Current mood:

Instagram: Ali_liya

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Instagram: Ali_liya

816 words

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