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[Haiiiii soooo I know that it's been like a while since I last uploaded (and by a while I mean since August last year or so.)But you know life happnes and there are some things that you cant control but we'll go over that at the end of the story for now enjoy (Listening to homage, I'll never smile again, cigarettes out the window, and escapism. As I'm making this )]


Sam's POV

I walk towards the area where the jail is located 'seriously why did it have to be this far out it's too much of a hassle' I mutter to nobody in particular whilst approaching the jail I was abit surprise since there were less guards than I expected to be protroling the outside of the jail.

'It was bad enough that I had to be the one chosen to look after dream in the first place,that fucking green bastard just had to go and kept making everything worse than it needed to be' non of the guards actually had access to the jail cell except for me and ********, but they dont visit anyways so it doesn't matter much.

I walk up to the guards at the front 'Sir!' they say in unison standing up straight and fixing their posture, I look at them 'aren't you guys too relaxed on the job knowing that theres a homicidal maniac in there capable of killing and manipulating thousands of people' I say raising my voice while glaring at them.

I mean who wouldn't, now if he were to escape duties to our lack of proper security then they would be too much of a hassle. They look at each other with a slightly confused look 'um.. sir' one of they says 'were you not at the recent meeting with the others' the other says with a slightly confused voice.

'No I was away for a few weeks so I haven't been able to attend any recent meetings... why did something important happned?' They looked at each other once again with a hint of worry, 'Well sir they had announced that dream had escaped from the prison with some inside and outside help'

'What the actual fuck.' I rush to get to the security room to check the cameras in other to confirm 'theres no way this can be true' I say checking the cameras, 'This has to be some sick joke I leave for just a few weeks and that bastared fucking escaped how could this have happned I thought they reinforced the security since I left'

I rush out of the security room and left the whole place entirely 'if someone knows what's going on it has to be him' I whisper under my breath as I go.


[Ok first I would like to apologize for going on such a long hiatus with no warnings and saying I'd come back multiple times though the hiatus but not really writing I've just been really unmotivated and wanted to focus on other things such as my art and basketball with so many other things this was just last to all of it and all the times I tried to come back have failed because of it but now I I'm a little more committed and will try to finish this story since I hate unfinished story but dont expects a constant schedule. I want to try and upload once every week but that may be a little too hard but I'll see what I can do.]

Heres a drawing I did in speed draw awhile ago (most of my drawings are on my Instagram @Ali_liya)

Heres a drawing I did in speed draw awhile ago (most of my drawings are on my Instagram @Ali_liya)

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Instagram: Ali_liya

603 words:)

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