Chp:3 | Awkward at hugs

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[Ok this chapter was a little rushed since I wanted to get this finished today and I didn't really have an idea for this but I do for the next chapter so sorry if this is um shitty]


Dream's POV:

*Sigh* 'It been almost a month since I got a food refill from Sam luckily I've been saving up the little food I had left by taking a little bit out of one of the raw potatoes every one to two weeks.

Sure it was torturous and made me a lot weaker but it worked. I hoped since Sam won't be here Quackity won't either but that wasn't the case they had gotten a new guard so Quackity still came almost everyday just to torture me.

I hate it here so much, but there was nothing I could do about it I can't just leave and it's not like anybody cared about me enough to break me out they all hate me even my 'friends' hate me.

I'm just going to die in here aren't I'. I sigh as before slowly closing my eyes feeling a bit tired, falling a sleep after a while.

3rd POV:

A while after Dream suddenly woke up due to the feeling of someone's hands grabbing and lifting him up, "H-huh?" He he managed to say his voice being very low and Hoarseness

The other person seemed to have taken note of this and just patted to boy in the back as and attempt to nurture him to sleep, Dream was very confused and wanted to retaliate but soon just gave in due to him not having enough energy or strength to do so in the end he just went back to sleep.

When he woke up again he found him self in a large room, on a king sized bed. But before he was able to render where he was he heard footsteps coming towards the room he was in.

In the heat of the moment he decided to pretend to still be asleep, to be honest he was a scared who ever this was was has / will see him in his weakest point and can easily overpower and take advantage of him.

A few seconds later he hears the door handle rattle soon after the squ eak of an opening door followed. The person then enter the room and walked closer to the bed, they then sat on the side of the bed next to Dream causing Dream to flinche and tense up on instinct.

There was a moment of silence before the mysterious person finally divided to speak up. "H-hey are you ok?" They said seeming a bit nervous.

Dream's POV:

"T-Tecno?" I said in absolute disbelieve my voice still abit scrunched up, there was no way, he actually came for me. I immediately sat up to look at him and started crying, my body ached pain due to the sharp movements but I didn't care, I immediately hugged him still crying.

After a bit he just awkwardly patted my back making me look up to him realizing how nervous he was. Tecno has always hated hugs or just human interaction in general.

I'm one of the only person his somewhat comfortable with and it makes me fell kinda special to knowing that, I don't know why tho but I'm happy.

I broke to huge abit to look at him and we stayed in a comfortable silence for a moment.


[Ok that's it. I wonder if you could tell where I got really lazy and writer's block kicked in, if you don't I'll give you a hint, it's the whole chapter.
I also didn't go over this, I spent too much time trying to brain storm wasting time so yeah if I wanted to start the next one right away so I could publish it when I'm supposed to.
Anyways Baiiiiii!!!¡¡¡ :']

Instagram: Ali_liya


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